Our Week

We had a very busy and fun last week of term in P3/4.  We continued with our time work in maths and with our spelling and grammar in literacy. We also rounded off our Fairytales topic with our final story of Cinderella. We did lots of fun activities including making an invite for a ball, building castles with Lego and creating our own Fairy God Mothers and thinking about the wishes we would ask them to grant.

We had an egg-cellent end to the week by decorating our eggs for the whole school competition. There were some amazing creations including a ninja turtle, a baby chick, Jesus and a puppy.

We were lucky enough to have both the P3 and P4 winners in our class – a huge well done to Miley and Oscar.

Wk ending 22nd March

This week we have been learning to measure using rulers, tape measures and trundle wheels.  We enjoyed making cm cube towers and measuring snakes using tape measures and metre sticks…

This week we have also been reading ‘The Fish Who Could Wish’ book.  In this story, we learned that it is important to not wish to be like anyone else and love our the things that make us unique.

We had great fun in music playing the Boomwhackers…

We have also been learning new hockey skills in PE…

Week beginning 4th March


In maths this week we have been looking at time and measure. For our measure lesson this week we measured how much our beanstalks had grown. We also made predictions about how much we think they will grow and what might help them grow better.

We have been looking at Easter this week with Miss Clark and we learned about how Jesus died because everyone was jealous of him. We also learned that he got buried in the tomb and then he magically disappeared. – ‘That is why we roll Easter eggs’ – Ivy

Primary 3/4 teamed up with P4/5 to complete our Roald Dahl scavenger hunt for World Book Day. We found this really tricky but had a ball. There was lots of other fun activities planned including a special visit from Mrs Schendel who read a lovely story to us in the afternoon.

Miss Caughie thought that we deserved a short brain break and we picked ‘The Floor is Lava’.