Week Beginning 18th January

It has been super exciting in our class this week as we have started painting boxes so we can build our castle for out in the open area.  We were learning all about castles and identifying different parts of them.  We also discussed a coat of arms and we even designed our own one.

“This week in maths we were looking at multiplication. We were making groups of.” – Ayla

P3/4 enjoyed sorting skittles to gather and present data as one of our maths rotations along with other fun activities.

As we are now professionals at the Canadian Barn Dance and the Gay Gordons, we decided to move on to a new one which is the Virginia Reel. It is a challenging one but we are giving it our best shot.

We have also started using some new strategies in our class in order to help regulate our emotions. These are called wiggling toes and fingers and square breathing.

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