Week Beginning 11th September

Primary 3/4 have been working super hard this week!


This weeks phoneme was ‘ea’. We took part in rotations this week to support our learning of this phoneme and completed lots of good work. All of us did really accurate diacritical marking with our spelling words. Some of us went on to do rainbow writing, word searches and phoneme stories.

In addition to our spelling, we had some talking and listening and comprehension stations which were related to our novel ‘How to train your dragon’. Another group also took on the job of practising their handwriting.

This weeks focus for writing was using adjectives to describe ourselves. Some of us worked with Miss Caughie whilst others were at other stations doing other jobs which also related to adjectives.

We are really getting into our rotations which work really well in our class 🙂

“I liked doing the rainbow writing because it made it more fun.” – Paige

“I like doing wordsearches because it’s a different way of finding words with the phoneme.” – Mia


This week we looked at a new number talk strategy which was “compensation”.  Again, we were working in rotations. One group worked with Miss Caughie at the board, whilst others were consolidating their learning of place value through games and digital learning.

We continued to learn about place value this week. All of us were really trying hard this week. One of our groups were using show me boards and base ten blocks.

“I loved playing place value basketball on the smartboard. I liked that I could try again if I got it wrong.” – Ivy


This week we were building some viking longships. We coloured them in and had to make them into 3D models which Miss Caughie helped us with because it is tricky.


We were still focusing on team building games in PE to allow us to work together. We also had blether stations in class which was encouraging us how to be kind and friendly.


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