Week beginning 25th September

We were all fully charged up and ready to go with our learning this week after our long weekend 🙂


This week we continued to work on our basketball skills. Our focus this week was shooting and dribbling.


We really enjoyed designing our own Viking shields this week. We all put our own personal touch on them and they really brighten up our wall along with our Viking Longships.


Braxton – ” We were saving pictures from internet into albums on our computers.”

We learned how to create a new album on our desktop and name it accordingly. We then browsed the internet for some good pictures and worked out how to save them in the correct folder.

We all followed Miss Caughie’s step by step instructions very well.


Primary 3/4 did lots of jobs in Literacy this week..

Some of us were doing dictated sentences with Miss Caughie. Others were creating graffiti walls with our ‘ea’ spelling words. Another group was using mirrors to recognise common words.

We continued our writing with a focus of similes. Some of us were writing with Miss Caughie whilst others worked on the laptops doing tasks about similes and the other group were completing a worksheet.


Our numeracy this week consisted of number talks and consolidation of our learning in place value. We really enjoyed having parents in for our open morning.

We have been really engaged and more focused with the help of our meditation sea turtles in the background.



Week Beginning 18th September


This week we finished our schonell spelling test. We all tried really hard with this. We are still enjoying listening to our book ‘How to train your dragon’ . We also continued with our descriptive writing with a focus on similes. We were describing a picture of a Viking using a variety of really good similes such as:

“his beard is as long as a giraffes neck.” – Callum

“his hair is a twisted rope.” – Owen

“his jacket is white and fluffy like the clouds.” – Braxton

Primary 3/4 were also taking part in listening activities. They had to listen very carefully to instructions in order to undergo the jobs.


We continued our place value topic this week. We were focusing on writing numbers in words. We had our rotations which were: sumdog, games and working in our jotters.

“I enjoyed playing place value games on sumdog.” – Cole


This week in PE were were continuing our team building in order to build positive relationships. We were also practising our dribbling and passing skills.


We were finishing off our Viking long ships which are going to be displayed outside of our classroom.


Week Beginning 11th September

Primary 3/4 have been working super hard this week!


This weeks phoneme was ‘ea’. We took part in rotations this week to support our learning of this phoneme and completed lots of good work. All of us did really accurate diacritical marking with our spelling words. Some of us went on to do rainbow writing, word searches and phoneme stories.

In addition to our spelling, we had some talking and listening and comprehension stations which were related to our novel ‘How to train your dragon’. Another group also took on the job of practising their handwriting.

This weeks focus for writing was using adjectives to describe ourselves. Some of us worked with Miss Caughie whilst others were at other stations doing other jobs which also related to adjectives.

We are really getting into our rotations which work really well in our class 🙂

“I liked doing the rainbow writing because it made it more fun.” – Paige

“I like doing wordsearches because it’s a different way of finding words with the phoneme.” – Mia


This week we looked at a new number talk strategy which was “compensation”.  Again, we were working in rotations. One group worked with Miss Caughie at the board, whilst others were consolidating their learning of place value through games and digital learning.

We continued to learn about place value this week. All of us were really trying hard this week. One of our groups were using show me boards and base ten blocks.

“I loved playing place value basketball on the smartboard. I liked that I could try again if I got it wrong.” – Ivy


This week we were building some viking longships. We coloured them in and had to make them into 3D models which Miss Caughie helped us with because it is tricky.


We were still focusing on team building games in PE to allow us to work together. We also had blether stations in class which was encouraging us how to be kind and friendly.


Week begininng 28th August

This week has been a busy week in primary 3/4…


We were doing lots of spelling activities this week which involved using the phoneme ‘ay’. All of us really enjoyed the game splat on the smart board and making words using magnetic letters in the tuff tray.

This week’s writing task involved us writing a letter to our parents/carers which was linked to our novel ‘How to train your dragon’. We worked super hard with this and came up with lots of good ideas throughout our planning.


Our focus this week was place value and we looked at partitioning as our number talk strategy. All of us completed a number talk assessment which we found challenging but tried our very best.


This week we were discussing positive relationships and friendships. All of the class came up with some good ideas about what makes a good friend and we portrayed this on posters. We also took part in some outdoor teambuilding games.

We all enjoyed taking part in rotations. As you can see some of us had our construction heads on with lego 🙂