Monday 18th January👋

😁Good morning everyone and welcome to the start of a new week. I hope that you’ve all had a lovely weekend?

I had a very quiet weekend but enjoyed some lovely walks in the woods. Here’s a little picture of Poppy walking with her big stick in the woods! Please let me know what you got up to at the weekend by posting in the comments.

Please find below the learning for this week. I loved seeing all your work sent to me by your parents last week and I’m sure you’ll all work just as hard this week.🤩

Learning wb Jan 18th

ew worksheet

Estimating the length of an object

Scottish Adjectives and animals

Reading Comprehensions:

In the Tent

Clean the Classroom

Home Alone

The isle of coll powerpoint (1)

Map of the Isle of Struay

Friday 15th January

Good morning everyone!🤗

Well, we’ve nearly made it to the end of our first week of home learning. I’m looking forward to checking my emails today to see your wonderful work. I know you will all be working hard at home.

Check in with me today by posting a comment. How has your first week been?😊 I’ve had a busy week but I’ve really missed seeing all your smiling faces xx

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope that you had a lovely Christmas and New Year with your families.  The school is very quiet without you – I am missing you all very much.  I hope that we can all be back together soon.

I wonder if any of you spotted this handsome little fella in Miss Kinnaird’s winter weather video on the school blog?

This is Mylo and he is my new puppy nephew. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to meet him in person over the holidays because he lives too far away but hopefully I will see him soon.  I wonder if there were any new animal additions to your families over Christmas time?

P2 Health and Wellbeing – We Are All Different

Hello P2,

I hope you and your families are all well during lockdown and that you aren’t driving them crazy!

We are going to start this term’s HWB by looking at your own skills and abilities as well as those of other children.

  • read through the We Are All Different powerpoint and discuss with you parents
  • fill in My Passport activity and the Things You Are Good At worksheet with your best pictures and sentences. try to make it as neat and colourful as you can.
  • you can print sheets off to complete your work or you may prefer to copy it out on paper.


P2 – All+About+Me+Passport

P2 – Things I am good at


Tuesday 12th January

Good morning everyone!🤗

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday? Please continue to work on your core tasks which can be found on the learning grid in the previous post, along with the resources you might need.

How are those Scots poems coming along? 🦮

Please email me if you have any questions or anything to tell me or alternatively you can comment on this post.

I think the weather’s to be nice today so hopefully you can get a walk or outside to play.🌞 Have a great Tuesday everyone xx