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Homework W.C 25th October.

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.

Our phoneme this week is ea (as in leaf) and our common words are: each, ask, year and eat.



I have allocated multiple books on Bug Club for every child. These books are for leisure. Below are the children’s books for this week.

Sapphires – Zip and Zap at the Zoo

Diamonds – Look Outside


This week for numeracy we are going to begin to look at money. If you could speak to children about money at home, potentially encourage it through role play where the children can buy things from the kitchen for certain amounts up to the value of £1.  Below are some games that children can play at home.

Homework W.C 18th October

I hope everyone has had a lovely October holiday, I can’t wait to hear all about it.

As it is a shorter week this week I am only allocating literacy homework.

The children will now be moving on to learn their new sounds, with a new one each week. Their new sound for this week is ‘ay’ and their common words are: day, away, always and today.

I am finding in class that some of the children are finding the word lists too easy so I have created a challenge word list. Feel free to do whatever one you find more appropriate at home.

Children can complete a task/tasks from the active spelling grid or focus more on sentence building using the words. If parents could support children with writing on the line, remembering capital letters, finger spaces, punctuation and encourage them to use and or but to make their sentence better.


The children have been allocated their Bug Club book online.

Sapphires – This Dinosaur

Diamonds – King Pip and the Troll.

The children seem to be getting on well with reading the words within their books but can often struggle with understanding the book. If you could please ask the children simple questions as well as encourage them to complete the bugs please.

Teams and Blog

P3 children have been added to a Teams page for communication and homework tasks. If any P3’s have any issues accessing this then please let me know either by email, yellow diary or a phonecall to the office.  For data protection reasons we are not allowed to write down children’s passwords but their username is: eap.surnameforename and the children came up with a memorable password before we stopped for the holidays. If children have forgotten these then I can easily reset them.

This blog will now solely be used for P2 communication and homework tasks.

Friday Show and Tell

Over the last few weeks children have been bringing in lots of different things they want to show the class. This is great and I would love them to share these things but it’s starting to take up a lot of our learning time.

I have suggested to the class that on a Friday afternoon we can have a circle time and the children can share these things then.

Children can bring things in every Friday if they would like to show the class. Otherwise they might just want to share some news.

It’s a great opportunity to develop the children’s listening and talking skills.

P3 Teams

P3’s will be starting to use Microsoft Teams after the October holidays whilst P2’s will continue to use our class blog. P3’s were given their sign on today, their username is: eap.surnamefirstname. Children came up with their own password today too. For privacy we are not allowed to write these down for them so they will hopefully remember them.

Any issues then please let me know.


For homework this week children have all been allocated their book on Bug Club. There have been a number of children not accessing Bug Club on a weekly basis so please try and access this regularly.

Rubies – Colourful Creatures

Sapphires – My Pony Book

Diamonds – Grow a Flower

A number of children have been moved up groups within Bug Club so your child’s group may have changed this week. Children should know which group they are in.

For both P2 and P3 it is a consolidation week of previously learned sounds. We will be moving onto learning their new sounds the week we are back after the October holiday.

In numeracy this week we will be exploring odd and even numbers. The game Number Ninja: Odd or Even is good for reinforcing this and is quite fun so children could play this –

This game on Topmarks is also good (especially for P3’s as you can make the numbers larger) –

Our Hedgehog House

On Wednesday for our outdoor learning we created our own hedgehog house. We all worked very well together to gather materials to make it a nice comfy home for a hedgehog family. We put out some food to try and entice hedgehogs into the garden.

We also went on a hunt around the garden to see what we are doing well to help wildlife in our garden and what we could do better and have some ideas about how to improve our garden area.

At the end of our outdoor slot the rain came pouring down and we had lots of fun running around in it. We wished for more to come but it never did.

Homework W.B 27.9.21

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend.

P2 are continuing to consolidate their knowledge of their phonemes we have been looking at. The phonemes we will focus on this week are: ee, oo, ck, ai, oy, oa and qu. I am finding in class that the children are good at reading phoneme and tricky words but they are sometimes struggling with spelling them which is something we will be focusing on in class.

P3 are revisiting the split phonemes a-e, u-e and the phoneme ea.



It is the Sum Dog Maths Week Contest so I would encourage all children to participate in this for their homework this week.

Outdoor Learning

Yesterday for our Outdoor Learning afternoon we made smelly cocktails and went on a colour hunt. We had to make either the yuckiest smelling mixture or the nicest smelling mixture using things we could find in the garden. We smelled everyone’s creation and spoke about why they smelled differently. We then went around the garden with a sticky label and had to stick as many different colours from nature onto our label.