Tag Archives: Primary 5

P5 Health and Wellbeing

Health and Wellbeing

This term our  health and wellbeing focus will be  centred around pupils emotional health.

Some children can get anxious over the littlest things and small worries can grow into anxiety. To help children discuss and support each other we are using an excellent book to stimulate and develop conversations  and activities with all pupils, in a child friendly manner.  The book, “What to do when you worry too much,”  is available online and costs about £10,  if any parent feels it would help to support their own child at home.

Team P5



P5 Human body

Thank you to the parents who handed in empty plastic bottles for our experiment today.

This week our focus was on the function of our lungs. In P5i we did a lung capacity experiment where we recorded how much air we could breath in and blow out. Quite a few got out of puff rather quickly. But too much laughing could have been to blame.

This afternoon we proved that 4 does go into 3 when all P5s were spilt into 3 classes to enable us to perform another experiment. This time we used the empty bottles to show how our lungs function. Some pupils were more successful making fake lungs than others. They don’t make plastic bottles like they used to and many just buckled when children tried to pull a balloon over the ends. However, they had fun trying.

Here are some of their efforts in both experiments.

P5i learning that variety is the spice of life

P5i being positively engaged during Positive Choices week. Which included walking to school in various forms of dress,  from odd socks to crazy hair.

Pupils were engaged in a wide variety of activities and events this week. Caring and sharing together during sports activities, learning individually how to be creative using poetry as a stimulus, being positive role models to younger pupils and having fun as they take care of their school environment and themselves. Here is a snapshot of life in P5i during Positive Choices week.

P5i making maths matter

Our Mini Mathematicians were out in the sun today, clipboards in hand, as they looked for clues and solved problems.

They were then tasked with identifying 2D and 3D shapes. Surprisingly, they all found this task so much easier than the one planned for indoors.


Tying a tie proved very challenging for some.  As they need to tie a tie for their class novelty race on Sports Day, could I please ask that you help your little treasure to practice this skill at home?

P5i Bagged it for the environment

Today we focused on the issue of plastic bags and the harm they do to the environment. We also looked at some  ways we could recycle  them and made friendships bracelets from

3 used bags. Not as adventurous as Marks and Spencer, who make staff fleeces out of theirs, but we enjoyed the challenge of twisting and plaiting strips of plastic to make our bracelets.

P5i and P5E Baby Rosie

Today children were very lucky to meet baby Rosie McLeod who is only 8 weeks old.    Rosie’s mum brought her in to see us all as her dad was busy teaching his P5 class.

We are learning about parenting and looking after children and we learned that babies need fed every few hours, they are very fragile,  they are hard work, messy, you lose sleep, you need a bus or van to carry all their stuff – if you are lucky enough to get out the door –  mind reading skills are handy so you know why the baby is crying,  you need lots of patience but most of all, babies are adorable.