Tag Archives: DFS

P5i calm before the show

This morning, all children were a touch nervous before their big show,  so calming lessons were the order of the day. What better than some active spelling in pairs,  creating  words then checking each other’s work.

And did this help the pupils?  You bet it did!

Once on stage,  they performed like true  professionals: cool,  calm, slick and word perfect. They did themselves,  and us all proud.

P5i, I told you,  you would be incredible! And you were.

What a show! Well done to all P1-7s and absolutely everyone involved in making the whole day such a success for pupils, parents staff …

#teamonthank really are #thegreatest

P5i and P5E Baby Rosie

Today children were very lucky to meet baby Rosie McLeod who is only 8 weeks old.    Rosie’s mum brought her in to see us all as her dad was busy teaching his P5 class.

We are learning about parenting and looking after children and we learned that babies need fed every few hours, they are very fragile,  they are hard work, messy, you lose sleep, you need a bus or van to carry all their stuff – if you are lucky enough to get out the door –  mind reading skills are handy so you know why the baby is crying,  you need lots of patience but most of all, babies are adorable.