Tag Archives: Active Learning

P5i Maths, but not as you may know it

Children enjoyed their Maths lesson today as we consolidated knowledge on Time conversion

and then we developed mathematical calculations by playing an extended game of Bingo.  They were also challenged whilst playing Three Card Trump and Game 500. These are games you can play at home to help support your child with times tables and number operations.

Could I also remind pupils and parents that a new page has been set up using Microsoft Teams and children can access it through their normal Glow login.  Mrs Wright has set up a survey for all pupils to complete and I have included a copy of our class poem. Teams can be accessed using phones, tablets, laptops, xBox and PS4.

If you would like any more details about using Teams, please do not hesitate to contact me – or ask your child’s friends if they have been at school this week.

Mrs Irving

P.S.      I have updated Maths games on Bug Club to help revise Decimals, Fractions and Percentages.

P5i Castle Presentations

Today we finally heard all presentations and had a chance to see all 25 castles. What a successful homework project this turned out to be.  Each and every castle had at least one element that stood out from the rest,  making the decision to choose 3  winners really hard. In fact, so hard, I asked Mrs Findlay to do the honours.

I hope you enjoy looking at the efforts of all P5i  children, and again, accept my thanks for supporting your child to complete their task and  to be such successful learners. Well done one and all.

Many congratulations to Kye, Megan and Lyle for your super castles. You made Mrs Findlay’s job even harder.

Mrs Irving

Castle Clues

Primary 5T had a great time today going around the school searching for clues. Each one led to a new room where there was information about different rooms inside a castle. For example, the dining hall told the children about the Great Hall in a castle where banquets would take place. They were successful in finding them all, well done!

Also, we joined up with Primary 5K this afternoon to learn how to setup our target pages and create posts which include media. Watch out over the coming weeks as the children continue to explore Glow blogs and post with Mrs McPhail!


Miss Telford 🙂


Primary 5T had a great session yesterday with Christine from Childsmile as part of our Health and Wellbeing programme. The children worked in teams to complete a sugar quiz. This involved looking at the contents of different food items and trying to work out how much sugar was in each. The children are now aware of how to check food labels, the contents their food contains and the benefits of looking after their teeth.

Miss Telford 🙂