P5E Learn about the organs

P5E played a matching game to learn about the major organs in the body and their functions. They also colour coded the organs on an image of the body to help identify their location.

As a fun follow up task pupils played ‘You can’t live without me’ where some children acted out an organ and described its function. The rest of the class had to guess what organ they were portraying.

P5E PowerPoint stories update

P5E have now completed the first draft of their PowerPoint stories which will hopefully entertain their p2 buddies.

Each group showed and read their story to our class, who then gave feedback-what was good and notes for improvement. Pupils will now edit their stories before showing the final version to p2.

Miss Ellis was very impressed with pupils’ ICT skills, especially how they were able transition from slide to slide using interesting animations.

P5i ~ Scottish Opera 1719

WOW! What a show.

Thank you to all the boys and girls who took part in this afternoon’s musical extravaganza. The guests who were able to attend, really did get a treat. After only 2 hours formal rehearsal, everyone put their heart and soul into putting on a tremendous performance.

More photos to follow.