P5i Directions

Dear Parents/Carers

A few pupils have been asking about their spelling homework saying they do not understand what to do.

Children have to use their words in a drawing,  for example:

They can draw a house but instead of lines for the doors and windows, they should  write their spelling words in that shape. Or draw a flower with their words as petals. They can be as creative as they like – as long as all words are spelled correctly. P5E have the same task so it will be interesting to see who  has been the most creative. I’m biased, so I’m saying P5i  🙂

Pupils have been map reading and learning about directions and co-ordinates. Today they plotted the route from the school front door at the office, up to our classroom. They thought it was a good idea to give you those directions so you could follow them on parent’s night.

If no one turns up, then I’ll know they were wrong!

Just a reminder that there are still appointments available for Parent’s Night on 21st March between 4:30 and 6:00 or between 7:30 and 8:00.   As I would love to meet with all parents to discuss the ongoing progress of pupils, if these times or date do not suit, please ‘phone the office to arrange a time that does.

Are you lost?

Mrs Irving

P5M Maths Games

P5M had the opportunity to test out the maths games they had created for homework. The games were excellently put together and consisted of different calculations of varying difficulty. All the kids loved playing the games. A big well done to everyone who completed this homework task!

P5i Homework

Pupils did really well with last week’s dictionary task for spelling.  It was good to see so many attempting the Hot Chilli Challenge. Well done. 3D shape knowledge was also well done with children recalling all the facts learned.

This week’s homework includes Mental Maths which I hope  you can help your child to complete. This work is an example of our weekly mental maths test and all children are capable of completing every question – without writing down the workings.  This work will also keep you abreast of the work being done in class and the mental  strategies your chid uses to complete each question.

Your support in encouraging your child to complete this very beneficial work every week,  is much appreciated.

P5E STEM: Create a jotter cover

P5E were given a design task today: create a cover for a jotter using the materials provided. Pupils demonstrated great team work and all groups created different covers in different ways.

Pupils realised they used many different skills including estimating, measuring, team work, listening and talking skills and growth mindset.

Good job P5E!