Onthank Primary 3

January 13, 2021
by earhiannon.nelson@glow

Video Support for Microsoft Teams

See the source image

Please find some video links below to support you with logging in to Microsoft Teams and the basics of using Teams for your online learning.

You will need your Glow login details to access your class Teams page. Please email your teacher to let them know if you need help or you do not know your Glow login details. 

How to Install Teams at Home


Your New Virtual Classroom


Students Guide to Using Teams and Assignments


There is also a written information guide on our Blog page. Click on the following link and scroll to the bottom of the page.

Other Curricular Areas | (glowscotland.org.uk)

Once you have managed to access your class page, try posting us a message to say ‘Hello’!

If you are having any difficulty accessing Teams, please get in touch and we will try to help.

Good luck!

January 13, 2021
by eatracey.hamilton@glow

Extra Reading Books

We know some of you love reading and that is great.  If you run out of Bug Club books there are a few options you can try:

  1. Free books to read yourself, listen to or read along with at https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/storybooks-and-games/
  2. read your own books if you have any
  3. free books to download at https://monkeypen.com/pages/free-childrens-books
  4. simple and harder books at http://www.magickeys.com/books/index.html#oc

From what we can see, none of these sites need a registration.

Happy Reading!

January 12, 2021
by eatracey.hamilton@glow

Teams Reminder

Hi folks    Just a reminder that when you log in to Teams you use your Glow email address and password, including the @glow.sch.uk 

January 11, 2021
by eatracey.hamilton@glow

Monday 11th January 2021

See the source image

Good morning Primary 3 and a very ‘Happy New Year’ to you all! We hope that you had a lovely Christmas and a good holiday.

Welcome to our first day as we return to Online Learning. It is a different start to 2021 than we imagined it would be when we last saw you, but we are looking forward to learning new and exciting things this term, so let’s make our latest online adventure as fun as we can!

You will find a warm welcome from all the staff at this link :

Please go to the ‘Home Learning‘ tab at the top of this page to find the work that your teachers have posted for you. 

In the main ‘Home Learning‘ section you will find a ‘Daily Planner‘ of the work for the day, which might help you as a timetable for completing work too. This will be updated each day and will provide you with tasks for literacy, numeracy and other curricular areas. You can work through this at your own pace and, if you prefer, you can complete work in any order you choose. Remember to plan in times for breaks, just like you would have at school too!

From the main ‘Home Learning‘ section you will find links for ‘Literacy‘, ‘Numeracy‘ and ‘Other Curricular Areas‘. This is where you will find the detailed information about your learning for the day. Some of the work will be for everyone to do and some of your work will be specified for the group that you usually work with in school. Your teacher will remind you of your group by email so that you know which work to do. Your teacher will also be in touch with information about your Bug Club focus book for this week. 

See the source image

Part of our learning this week will be ICT work, which will teach us how to access and start to use a programme called ‘Microsoft Teams’. Once everyone has managed to log in to Microsoft Teams and is gaining confidence when using it, we are going to start to use this as our main way of delivering home learning. It will allow us all to interact much more quickly and easily with one another, and will give us a much better range of options for helping to support children with their learning. Please don’t worry about making this change, we will try our very best to support you with this. 

Miss Hamilton’s class have already started to use Microsoft Teams, so you might find that Miss Hamilton has posted your work for you there as well as on this P3 Glow Blog page.

Please keep in touch with us via email and show us what work you have been doing. We would love to see your fantastic efforts and any news you have to share with us. If you have any questions or would like to show us your work, here’s a reminder of our email addresses:

Miss Hamilton                                tracey.hamilton@eastayrshire.org.uk 

Mrs Nelson                                      rhiannon.nelson@eastayrshire.org.uk

Mrs Strain                                       caroline.strain@eastayrshire.org.uk

If you should require any resources (jotters, pencils, pens etc) these will be available for you to collect at the main office. 

Most importantly, we know that this is a challenging time for families so we encourage you to do what you can, when you can

Thank you so much for your ongoing support, 

from the P3 Team – 

Miss Hamilton, Mrs Nelson and Mrs Strain


January 8, 2021
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Glow password update- Mrs Strain’s class

Happy New Year!

In preparation for online learning I have reset all Glow passwords for my class. This means that you will have to use the new password to login to access online learning through Glow Blogs and Teams. This password has all be emailed to you individually. 

You will be asked to change your password as soon as you login. This means that you can choose a password for yourself that you will remember.

Once you have changed your password it should not be shared but you might want an adult at home to help you get started.

I’m looking forward to seeing you all online.

Stay safe,

Mrs Strain

December 9, 2020
by eatracey.hamilton@glow

Diary Dates

Some dates to remember over the next week:

1.  Friday – Christmas jumper official charity day (donations welcome)

2.  Tuesday – Christmas parties taking place in classrooms at some point during throughout the day.

3. next Thursday – Santa dash at 11.05 (each class is starting at a different position and doing 2 laps of school.  Children can wear anything Santa related and donations from P3 go to Dog’s Trust)

Thanks for all your support over the last few weeks and we hope to have a great final week before Christmas.

November 30, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

P3S Christmas Crafts

Online Christmas Fayre

P3S have been very busy Christmas Elves making Christmas decorations to sell in our Christmas Fayre.

We are selling salt dough stars or angels and woven Christmas Trees.

They are available for sale now!

Price list-

1 Salt dough star OR angel- £1

1 Woven Christmas Tree- £1

**** Special Offer****

***3 for 2***    

1 Salt dough star OR angel + 1 woven Christmas Tree- £2


Mrs Strain and P3S Christmas Elves x

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