Onthank Primary 3

Tuesday 19th May


What is the plan today?

I hope you found the activities helpful yesterday. The P2 Team wish to use this lockdown time to review and practise the skills you’ve learned so far this year so that you have a solid foundation to move into P3.

We won’t “teach” you new tricky things because we can’t be there in person like normal to help you. Reviewing the following may seem easy but if you can become really confident in all of these skills then going into P3 won’t seem too hard or scary.

  • know your alphabet – vowels and consonants, letter names and letter sounds

  • know that alphabet sounds joined together makes new sounds

  • know that if a word seems tricky, your first strategy is to SOUND it OUT

  • having a go without help builds your self confidence

  • remembering information helps you with your work

  • make sentences with the words you would say if you were telling your teacher about it

  • making your letters properly and joining them up actually saves you time

  • know your single digit numbers to 10

  • know your number bonds to 10

  • know the place value of your numbers to 2 digits

All of these skills will help you to learn the new work in P3 so let’s get practising! You’re doing a great job!




– Handwrite th, ng, sh & ch like we did yesterday.

– Can you make NEW words for each joined phoneme and handwrite like we did yesterday.

– Watch this video. Say what you see. These are all words you have done and should be able to read and spell.


– Watch this video. Normally I wouldn’t show you so many but we have done these in class before so it’ll be a challenge. Tomorrow we’ll do a job with them to see if you can write them down, so if you’re not sure with any of them you could perhaps write them out like your sh ch th ng words. Copy three times to get them into your head. Don’t write them today if you think you’re managing fine.

Want a Challenge?

– Hunt for items that contain th, ng, sh or ch in your house and lay them on a table. Get a tea towel or a cover for the game.

– Collect a homework buddy to play with and something to write with to record your answers.

– Kim’s Game is a memory game. Look carefully at all your items and try to remember them. Cover them up and hide your eyes. No sneaky peeking!

The more items you find the trickier you’ll make it. I’ve only picked a couple to show you.

Ask your homework buddy to take away and hide the item from view. They uncover the items and you need to look to see if you can spot the missing item.

– Write your answer down and think carefully about your spelling. Try hard to sound it out and also remember to JOIN YOUR JOINED PHONEMES! Try to answer 5 times. Swap with your homework buddy. Challenge your family and have fun together.

– Watch this video. It’s a story called Oi Frog, by Kes Gray and Jim Field. It’s one of my favourites because it’s very clever. I wonder if you can hear why it’s clever?




Estimate means have a good guess without counting.

– Look at this picture but don’t count yet! Estimate how many batteries you think you see.


– Watch this video.


Using what we know about counting in tens, collect some found objects and let’s make theses slightly trickier tens and units numbers. I’m using stones and twigs today.

– Use a grid like this with your objects. In the Units column I split the space into 10 parts then crossed off one box because only 9 little bits can go in here before you need to start using the Tens column too.

(You don’t need to do this if you can remember that only 9 go in here before having to swap for a Ten – that’s a good wee challenge.)

– Show your answers like this.

– Make these numbers with your objects. Remember I’m using stones and twigs because I could find loads outside.

17          9          13          20

24         28        15          31

Want a Challenge?

Can you make any larger numbers with your objects? Do you know how to write the two-digit number. Can you explain what the digits mean?


You watched a video about frogs yesterday.

– Look at this Powerpoint to learn about the Lifecycle of frogs. Click on the link below.


Frog Life Cycle PowerPoint

You should have noticed that frogs:- 

  • start as eggs,

  • grow to tadpoles,

  • then grow to froglets

  • and finally the adult frog.


– Make a poster showing the lifecycle of a frog. Think back to what the lifecycle of a chicken looked like last week.

  • It’s set in a circle.

  • Each stage is linked with an arrow.

  • Each stage is labelled.

  • Remember your outstanding handwriting! JOIN THE JOINED PHONEMES if you use any words with them and think about the letter size and shape.


Am I done for today then?

That’s us done!

Remember to spend time playing and relaxing each day.

If you want more activities to do, check out the activities on your mymaths, Bug Club or Teach Your Monster to Read websites.

See you tomorrow Gang. Bring your singing voices!

Mrs Kidd & the P2 Team



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