Sharing the Learning with P4 & P1/2

Thursday 8th December

Primary 4 took the opportunity to teach Primary 1/2 all about James and the Giant Peach. They chose their favourite activities from their recent topic, and in groups, delivered these as ‘mini lessons’ for the younger pupils.


We learned how to mix the perfect peach colour, create a rainbow, demonstrate how rain is made and took part in the ‘Stop that peach!’ challenge.


We ended the day watching the movie. A great time was had by all! Click on the SWAY below to see more.

Mrs Meek & Miss Mills

P1 Registrations for August 2023

P1 Registration will take place from Monday 9 January 2023 until Friday 13 January 2023.  Registration is to be completed online and submitted no later than Friday 13 January 2023. Parents should register at: –

Please note that you will require your child’s birth certificate and two proofs of addresses e.g driving
licence or utility bill.

Placing Requests should be completed online and the closing date for these is 31 January 2023.

Nativity Update

As you already know our Nativity will be held on Friday 16th December. We had originally arranged to have teas and coffees in the Ochiltree Hub after the Nativity. However, due to the huge response we have had to rethink our plans for the morning.

  • Teas and coffee will now be offered in the school before the Nativity from 9.30 – 10.30AM. PLEASE ENTER BY THE MAIN SCHOOL ENTRANCE. We cannot offer refreshments after the Nativity as we are having our Christmas lunch in the school hall from 12.15pm.
  • A suggested donation of £2 can made at the school for charity.
  • The Sanquhar and District Silver Band will play outside the church from 10.30 – 11.00am.
  • Church doors will open at 10.30am. We would ask everyone to be seated by 10.50am. Please do not sit on the reserved pews.
  • The Nativity will begin at 11.00am and will last approximately 30 – 40minutes.
  • We would ask that parents, carers and friends to remain seated in the church until the children have returned to school.
  • Please note there should be no videos or photographs of the Nativity or children taken by the audience throughout the event. This is in line with East Ayrshire Council and child protection guidance.
  • The school will video the performance and take photographs of the cast which will be able to be viewed on the school blog before Christmas.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

P5/6 Class Job Rewards

You may have heard that in P5/6 we get paid for completing our class jobs, showing kindness to others and taking initiative in our learning.  Pupils can save their money and choose to purchase one of the class prizes that we agreed on in August.  Here we have Libby and Jess who saved up to bring in their Jolly Jumps to incorporate into our P.E. lesson. Here we have our class enjoying sharing Libby and Jess’ hobby with them!


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More from Primary 4

This week in Primary 4 we have been busy learning how to grow a rainbow during our STEM session linked to our class novel. We have also been learning about the Haka and have used some of the movements to create our own routines. Of course, we have managed to squeeze in plenty of literacy and numeracy whilst rehearsing for the nativity too! To see more click on the link below 🙂

Refreshment order

Our nativity will take place on Friday 16 December at 9.30 a.m. within Ochiltree Parish Church. Afterwards, coffee/tea and shortbread will be provided at Ochiltree Hub at a cost of £2.00 per person (payable on the day at the Hub). Please complete the form below by Wednesday 7 December to enable the Hub to prepare for the refreshments.

Thank you.


Eco Committe & Clean Green Award

Last week was National Recycling Week and we have decided to celebrate by reintroducing the recycling of crisp bags in the school. If you would like to recycle your crisp bags from home, please send them in with your child and they can put them in the recycling bin.

This session we have decided also to collect metal bottle tops and ring pulls from cans, e.g., any bottle top that requires to be open with a bottle opener. Please also send these into school for recycling. These will then be sent onto Isla Dog Rescue.

Thank you for your continued support.


The school has been invited to send a choir to sing some Christmas songs at the Ayrshire Hospice, based in Cumnock Hospital.
The choir would be formed of volunteers from Primaries 4-7 and choir rehearsals with Miss Mills would be held in school  from  3 – 4.15 p.m. on the following dates:
Tuesday 29th November
Tuesday  6th December
Tuesday 13th December
A performance would be held on the evening of Wednesday 14th December from 7 p.m – 7.30 p.m at the Hospice. Parents/ carers would need to drop off and collect their child from the Hospice at Cumnock Hospital.
If your child is interested in taking part and you are happy for them to do so, please contact the school by Friday 25th November.
​​​​​​​Further information and consent forms will be issued to those who wish to take part.

Message from the Parent Council

The Parent Council would like to thank everyone that came along to support our Indoor Car Boot Sale yesterday. It was a great fundraiser, especially the Chocolate Tombola. Thanks again to everyone that donated towards it.

We would like to give a huge thank you to J. McCaig of Shire Energy Services for donating the Tuck Shop products.

All fundraisers are to help enhance the children’s learning experience at school and provide them with new opportunities.

Thank you to all the parent helpers that helped make this event possible.

Ochiltree Primary Parent Council

An East Ayrshire Council Site

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