Please note that the Parent Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th May 2023 in the Church Hall at 7pm.
Kelpies Trip
Another busy week in Primary 4.
We had a fantastic trip out to the Kelpies on Thursday, and would like to thank our drivers Bobby & Davie.
Today we took part in some fabulous royal celebrations ahead of the King’s Coronation this weekend. We hope you like our crowns that we’ve created.
We look forward to seeing parents and carers at our open afternoon next Friday between 1.30pm and 2.30pm.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Meek
Kings and Queens Day
Tempest Photography – orders
Thank you for choosing Tempest for your recent photographs. For instructions on how to place orders, please click on this gallery weblinks below:
Vibrant Communities
Please see attached promotion – Girls Football
Robert Burns Academy – Transition Information
Dear parent / carer
As we are now well into the final term of the year, I thought I would send an update with some of the key dates for P7s over the next few months.
Key Dates
Wednesday 24th May- P7 Information Evening at RBA 6.30pm
Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June- P7 Induction days at RBA
Throughout this term we will continue to liaise with our colleagues in the primary schools to make plans for our new S1s. In addition to this, our staff have also prepared a series of lessons designed to introduce our S1 curriculum to your child. These lessons will be issued to each primary school in the hope that it will give P7s a sample of what to expect during their first few weeks in S1.
I am now at a stage where I will begin to create our new S1 classes for next year. To allow me to do this I would appreciate it if you could return the medical / sibling information form that has been issued to you by your child’s primary school.
I would strongly urge you to attend our P7 Information Evening at The Robert Burns Academy on Wednesday 24th May. This evening will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of our key staff and see inside the school. In preparation for this evening, I would also like to gather your views on what you most like to hear about on the evening. The Glow form below will take only a few minutes to complete and will provide me with the feedback required to tailor this evening to your needs. Please complete this by Wednesday 10th May if it is your intention to attend the information evening.
Once I have collated the response to this form, I will issue a letter with further details regarding the arrangements for the Information Evening.
Best wishes
P McGurn DHT
The Robert Burns Academy
P4 Trip to Kelpies 4th May 2023
A reminder that all P4 pupils should arrive at school by 8.30am tomorrow. School polo shirts and or sweatshirts should be worn with comfortable trousers/shorts depending on the weather and a waterproof jacket. Also ensure they have a packed lunch with plenty of water. Please note no nut products, chocolate or chewing gum. Pupils will also require a change of clothes and a towel as there is a water park at the play area.
Thank you.
P6&7 Lockerbie Manor Transport
Please note that the cost of the transport to Lockerbie Manor from 24th – 28th April is £11.50 per child.
Payment can be made through Parentpay.
Thank you.
Coronation Day at Ochiltree Hub
Running order
10:00 HUB OPEN
16:00 FINISH
Update from P4
We have had such a busy couple of weeks since our return for Term 4! We have been making artwork and decorations for the upcoming Coronation celebrations and are looking forward to ‘Kings and Queens day’ this Friday.
We have been out and about in the community which has been great. You may have seen us out on the big litter pick or down at the cattle show. This week we are so excited to be going all the way to the Kelpies in Falkirk!
Here are a few pictures from our music session with Mrs Hill & the last of our Scottish Myths & Legends lessons.
Littler Bugs!
All the children from Ochiltree Primary School did their part for World Earth Day by taking part in a whole community Litter Pick. They were joined by members of CAP and Ochiltree Hub.
A HUGH thanks to the volunteers from the community for helping our young people to take part in this community venture.
Also, thank you to Ochiltree Hub for providing children and volunteers with drinks and yummy shortbread. The children were delighted to make Ochiltree litter free!
Lockerbie Manor
If you need to contact the school staff outwith school hours, please contact Lockerbie Manor on 01584 861333 or 01576 205745. Please note that if school staff need to contact you outwith school hours it will be on a withheld number.
Look out for updates on the school app.
P7 Transport application to Robert Burns Academy
Parent/carers of Primary 7 pupils, please go online to East Ayrshire Council School Transport web page and complete the form online for free transport to Robert Burns Academy from August 2023.
Thank you.
P5 Swimming Lessons – Beginning Wednesday 19th April until Wednesday 24th May 2023
Please note that additional funding has been provided for the P5 swimming lessons. Therefore there will now be no cost to pupils.
Please remind your child to bring their swim kit including goggles if they have them.
Thank you.
Good News!!
Congratulations to Miss Mills ……. now Mrs Tweedly!! Doesn’t she look beautiful!
March fun in Primary 4
This term we have enjoyed Rugby sessions with Cumnock Rugby club. We have also had lots of fun learning about the myths and legends from Scotland, we even created our own mythical creature and wrote our own super stories about them. We are enjoying having music sessions with Mrs Hill on a Friday morning and these will continue next term.
Today we voted on our new topic which is going to be the Romans! We took part in an Easter Egg hunt with a maths twist! We had to answer the questions before we could crack the code!
Well done to all of Primary 4 for working so hard this term, we hope all parents and carers were pleased after parents night 🙂
Have a lovely spring break and I look forward to seeing you all back in April.
Mrs Meek
School Litter/Community Pick – 21st April
School Litter/Community Pick – Friday 21st April
Our children will be joining forces with the Hub and CAP to carry out a village litter pick on Friday 21st April. We will be leaving from the school on Friday 21st April at 11:15 a.m. and will return for lunch.
Please feel free to join in on the day to support us.
All children and volunteers are invited to the Hub at 1:30p.m. for refreshments.
Please send a change of clothes and footwear to school to allow children to take part in the litter pick.
“Strings” Lesson
Primary 5/6/7 had an exciting and unusual “strings” lesson today – find the rhythm imposter, mystery word and instrument imposters all using a computer and whiteboard.
Then a “crayons vs markers” duet rhythm pattern using drumsticks!
They loved it 100%!
The Heritage Centre – Cumnock
Primary 5/6/7 went to “The Heritage Centre” which is based in Cumnock for a visit on Tuesday.
They all had a wonderful time listening to the volunteers explaining what certain items were. The “old” phones and school belt were a “hit”! Many of the pupils were fascinated by the steamroller and the roadman’s caravan.
Leaflets with all the information about the Centre were given to each child after the visit – phone up and arrange a visit!
Easter Disco – Thursday 30th March 2023
Please note that if you have not yet purchased a ticket for the disco tomorrow, tickets are still available through Parentpay. No cash will collected at the door for admission tomorrow night.
Children can bring cash for the Parent Council Tuck Shop.