“WOW” Week

We had our “WOW” week last week! A Week of Wellbeing. Classes took part in different activities from visiting specialists! We had dance, internet safety for upper school pupils, Killie Community Football inflatables, Karate and our very own Lynsey Murphy!

P6 children visited the nursery to get to know some of the pre school pupils ahead of Buddy allocation and led P1/2 and P3 in fun activities, using the toys purchased through our mini participatory budgeting project.

As part of our clean green work, we had a visit from a re-cycling lorry, “Windy” and some pupils participated on a litter pick around school and the community.

P3 were also lucky to take a walk to Woodhead Farm as part of their social subjects topic about farming.

On Friday we had our annual sports day, with Loudoun being crowned champions of sport day and in the afternoon had a whole school potted sports in the sun!  Thank you very much to the Parent Council for our ice lollies and drinks!

Each class thought about our wellbeing themes each day, Mindful Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wellbeing Wednesday, Thinking Thursday and Fun Friday – each day linked to our school values!  And of course our P4 wellbeing team made some fruity kebabs with fruit donated from Tesco!

We carried on with our wellbeing theme at Parents’ Evening, with Lee from Exchange Counselling and Lorna from the Clean Green team visiting, along with the opportunity for parents to consider a staged approach to behaviour as part of a review of our Positive Relationships Policy for the new session