Positive Relationships and Behaviour and Celebrating Success!

At Newmilns Primary and ECC our rules are Ready, Respect and Safe.  Just like learning to read, write or count all children are leaning to behave in socially appropriate ways and just like learning to read, write or count different children learn how to behave at different stages, and it worth remember that there are many factors which can impact on this progress.

Our work around positive behaviour is focused on helping all children learn how to behave in an appropriate way being mindful of the feelings of others.  The following links will take you to a summary of our policy and associated documentation.

updated behaviour blue print

Newmilns PS Respect Me Statement

Here at Newmilns Primary School and Early Childhood Centre we love to celebrate the success of all of our children! This includes achievements both in and out of school!

Children can earn stars for good work, showing effort, manners and positive behaviour choices.  For every 40 stars children receive they will receive a certificate to take home – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire.  Each child also receives 100 points for their house for each certificate they achieve.

Children can also be receive a certificate for displaying attributes of our core values of Cooperation, Determination, Hope and Ambition, Friendship, Honesty and Respect.  One hundred house points are also awarded for receipt of these certificates.

Children showing particular effort will be rewarded with a Purple Pen Award. Children will receive a sticker, 100 house points.

The winning house are awarded a treat in the summer term.

We also celebrate wider achievements, for example swimming certificates, football medals or inclusion or success in wider school activities eg Burns Competition or Dance Fest.  We are looking to update how we record such achievements moving forward into next session.

Children in the ECC celebrate their achievements from home too.  Parents and Carers can share achievements through Learner Journal.