Last week we learned the sounds ‘s’ and ‘i’. We also learned the common words ‘I’, ‘in’ and ‘it’.
Activity 1: We are learning to say, read and write the sounds ‘s’ and ‘i’.
Cut out the ‘s’ and ‘i’ objects and sort these into a ‘s’ pile and an ‘i’ pile. You could also add in other objects from your house. The sheet with the objects will be in your child’s bag on Tuesday
Extra challenge: Practise your letter formation. Use your jotter to practise writing ‘s’ and ‘i’.
Activity 2: We are learning to say, read and write the words ‘I’, ‘in’ and ‘it’.
Choose an activity to complete to practise making this week’s common words:
Activity 3: We are learning to narrate a story.
Use your child’s Bug Club login to log into Bug Club. Open the book “Hey, Stop!”. You can then either use the ‘read to me’ function or ask your child to narrate the story to you.
**These logins will be in your child’s bag on Monday**
Maths and numeracy
Last week we learned all about fractions
Activity 1: We are learning to half a shape.
Complete challenge on Sumdog “Fractions homework 2.11.20”
Activity 2: We are learning to count and order numbers to 10.
Complete challenge on Sumdog “Challenge 2.11.20”