Primary 1 Homework – Monday 9th November 2020


Activity 1: We are learning to say, read and write the sounds ‘p’ and ‘n ’.

Think of and draw 2 things that have ‘p’ at the beginning, and 2 things that have ‘n’ at the beginning.

Extra challenge: Practise your letter formation. Use your jotter to practise writing ‘p’ and ‘n’.

Activity 2: We are learning to say, read and write the words ‘is’ ‘an’ ‘and’.

Choose an activity to complete to practise making this week’s common words:

Write the words using coloured pencils, a different colour for each word.



Write a word train, all your words together with no spaces.



Write the words using pyramid writing.





Make the words using pasta or rice in your home. Cut letters from a newspaper or magazine and stick them together to make the word. Make the words using natural materials e.g. sticks, leaves, acorns. .


Activity 3: We are learning to narrate a story.

Use your child’s Bug Club login to log into Bug Club. Open the book “Miss Polly Had a Dolly” You can then either use the ‘read to me’ function or ask your child to narrate the story to you.

**Please keep Bug Club logins in a safe place e.g. on the fridge.

Maths and numeracy

Activity 1: We have been learning to count to 10 and form all the numbers correctly.

Use your bricks or any other toy to practise counting amounts to 10. Then practise forming all numbers from 0-9 in your jotter.

Activity 2: We are learning to recognise all coins and notes to £20.

Use the coins you have in the house to practise recognising the coins: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2.

Activity 3: Set up a play shop in your house with some of your toys. Put prices on items and have turns at being the shop keeper. Use the coins you have to practise paying for items and giving pretend change.

Topic activity

Activity 1: We have been learning about jobs in the community.

Find out what jobs people in your family do. Draw a picture of a job you would like to do when you are an adult. Can you say why you would like to do this? What would make you good at this job? What could you get better at?