Lockdown has made completing the various sections of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award more difficult. On our Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Page https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/learningoutdoorssupportteam/the-duke-of-edinburghs-award/
we have detailed the temporary changes that have been made to the award to try and overcome some of the obstacles, including how to change activities and find new assessors. We have also pulled together resources to help participants train for their expeditions at home on the Participants’ Page https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/learningoutdoorssupportteam/d-of-e-participants-activities-and-resources/ .
We have recently added a work book, produced by Lupine Adventure that allows participants to check their progress as well as some self test videos from BXM Learning.
As always please have a look at our website for more resources and ideas for learning at home. It is constantly being updated and populated with new ideas for all stages of learning, including ideas for learners with Additional Support Needs. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/ea/learningoutdoorssupportteam/
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