Homework – wb 27.11.23


Complete the division worksheet in yellow maths jotter showing all working. Worksheets can be found below.

ZI –  4 Digit Division

Pyramids and Cylinders – 3 Digit Division

Spheres – 2 Digit Division

ZI Division

Pyramids Cylinders – Division

Spheres Division

Literacy – Listening and Talking

This week is the beginning of COP28 where all the leaders from around the world get together to discuss how we can combat climate change. Attached below are discussion cards. Pick 3 cards to talk to your adult at home about and take a note of what you discussed in your red jotter.

COP28 Listening and Talking Activity

Homework – wb 13.11.23


Homework this week is to reinforce multiplication of 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. Worksheets for this task can be found below and should be completed in the yellow maths homework jotter.

ZI – R9 worksheet

Pyramids/Cylinders – R8 worksheet

Spheres – TU Multiplication worksheet

Cubes – Doubles  worksheet

R8 and R9 Worksheet

TU Multiplication

Where tasks have to be completed in the jotter only digital copies are provided in order to cut down the volume of photocopying being used.


Literacy homework this week is a note-taking activity which links with our leadership role as RRS Outright Climate Change Activists.  Pupils should watch the Dr Binocs video on air pollution and write down 5 facts they have learned from the video in their red jotter.  The link can be found below.


All homework should be completed by Thursday 16th November.

Homework – wb 6.11.23

Literacy – Write 5 sentences in your literacy jotter containing adjectives. Your sentences should be appropriately punctuated.

Numeracy – Practice your multiplication tables using ‘Hit the Button’ or other multiplication games on ‘Super Brainy Beans’. Have fun 🙂

All homework should be completed by Thursday 9th November.