Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

June 26, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow



The summer holidays are the perfect time to read some good books. This summer we challenge you to take part in our Book Bazinga and read at least six books. There are thirteen reading challenges, choose six or complete them all, it’s entirely up to you. After completing a challenge, tick the box and show it to a library staff member when returning your books. At the end of the summer, everyone who completes the challenge receives a certificate and will be entered into a prize draw.

Read Around Summer Booklet


June 26, 2023
by EAjoanne.mair2@glow


The Exchange are able to provide support over the summer for any child or YP who may need it.  They already have lists of the young people they will be continuing to provide support to in terms of 1-1 counselling.
However, they have also developed this fab online platform/app that Young People over the age of 10 can access for free!  It has a wealth of supports and self help resources on it.

June 16, 2023
by Miss Frew

Final Blog of P5 22/23!!

End-of-year reflection • Recipes for Wellbeing

Wow! Session 22/23 has absolutely flown in and we have had some fantastic memories that will last forever! P5 this year have been a lovely class and I’ve been extremely lucky to have been their teacher.

For our final blog of the year, I’m going to keep it short and sweet. Thank you for all your help, support and good humour throughout this very busy year. I hope that everyone has a fantastic  summer holiday when it comes and that everything you have learned this year will help you next year and further into the future. You are all wee super stars and I’m sure that you will be equally amazing next year as our new P6 pupils!

Lots of hugs!

-Mrs McDonald x


June 16, 2023
by Mrs Barclay

P4F Week beginning 12th June

Another lovely week in Primary 4 despite the weather getting us a bit hot and bothered! Fingers crossed the sun stays with us until our trip to Blair Drummond next Thursday. If you haven’t already, could you please return the parental consent form as soon as possible thank you.

In Literacy, we have been revising our common words from the last few weeks and completed some active spelling activities to help us revise. Alongside our reading books, we have been looking at fact and opinion. Pupils had great fun using blether stations in teams to decide whether statements were a fact or an opinion. We were then able to come up with our own facts and opinions about different pictures. We completed our explanation texts on the process of mummification this week. I was very impressed with the level of detail added to some of the pieces. We then shared our writing with P5 and explained to them the process.

In maths, we have completed our fractions assessments at the start of the week and are now revising place value, addition and subtraction through some active activities. Our outdoor learning activity this week was based on using Egyptian number systems. Everyone put in great effort being codebreakers to solve the calculations using the Egyptian number symbols.

We also had some fun in the sun with the sprinkler during WOW, very refreshing! Taking advantage of the nice weather, we also played rounders for PE.

Here’s to another sunny weekend

Mrs Barclay x


June 16, 2023
by Miss Baillie

Primary 1 – Week beginning 12th June

Hello Primary 1 🙂 ,

Only 2 weeks left of Primary 1. This week has been very exciting, we have Hurlford’s Got Talent tonight and we had bump up day where you all visited your new classroom and met your new teachers for Primary 2. Click the image below for a look at what we have been up to.

Go to this Sway

Have a fantastic weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Baillie

June 16, 2023
by Miss Steedman

P4S WC 12.6.23

Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a glorious week and so very warm in the classroom but we muddle through and do our best each day.

On Monday we were outside with P4F working hard to decode some Hieroglyphic Number puzzles, we stayed in the shade as much as possible and then, just before we came inside again, the storm came and we were caught out by the rain.  It didn’t do us too much harm, rather, it cooled us down as we made our way back into class.


Our other Numeracy activities this week have involved Fractions and working out Equivalent Fractions or Fractions of a Number.   Our Division skills are coming in handy at the moment so we are happy that we have learned all about Division earlier in the year.

In Literacy, we have been reading our Class Novel (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) aloud and discussing the story.  It’s a very long novel but we are almost finished it – it will be great to find out what happens in the end.   We also wrote a letter to our new P5 teachers to let them know all about us, which was an interesting introduction for Mrs McDonald and Mrs Millar to those of us moving into their classes.

It was too, too warm to go outside for P.E. this week so instead we had a few races and games inside but with lots of water to drink.  Having out own water bottles each day has been so useful in the very warm classrooms.

Next week, we are all very excited about our School Trip because there will be so much to see.

May I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Stay safe in the sunshine,

Miss Steedman

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