🌻 all children-simple game🌻

Good Morning  Everyone 🤗

I hope we are all enjoying the sunny weather and having lots of fun in your gardens.

Today or through the week I’d like you to have your looking eyes on and see if you can find any dandelion clocks.  They are all fluffy and you can blow them way. This was a game i loved when i was a little girl.

All you have to do is find a dandelion clock and see how many big puffs it takes you to blow away all the fluff on the flower.  And you can watch all the fluff fly away.

I’ve had a try and I got  5 o’clock.

I wonder what you will all get ?

Have lots of fun finding your dandelion clocks. I’d love to  see your pictures and videos.

AshleyX❤   eaashley.mooney@glow.sch.uk


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