ECC – COVID advice for Parents

Please follow the link to the available advice from Care Inspectorate on whether your child should attend ECC.

Should your child stay at home today

With new guidance being issued regarding COVID it is essential that we remain vigilant.
We would advise if your child is displaying any symptoms at all that a PCR test should be carried out (not a lateral flow). If your child is negative but is displaying cold like symptoms, please consider keeping your child at home to minimise the risk of infecting other children and staff.
A reminder that if your child is sick or has diarrhoea then they must NOT return to ECC until 48 hours after the last episode. Please do not send in your child if this has happened at home.

If you are unsure at all please ask a member of staff or contact 01563 525098

Primary 1 Registration

Hello everyone,

The time has come to register your child for Primary 1 starting August 2022. This is done online from 10th-14th January.

All applications require to be completed online at –

If you stay out with the catchment area then a placing request must be completed.
There is also a section online for deferral should your child be staying with us next session.

If you need any help regarding this form then please ask staff or contact office on 01563 525098.