Monday 23rd August

Good afternoon,

I have attached the lunch menu for next week, for all our new starts could I ask parents/carers to chat with their children about staying in the ECC for lunch and what their choices will be?  This will make this next transition a little easier for them. If your child does not like a choice that is available then please do not worry about this as we encourage children to try new things and we are usually quite successful however,  if they still do not like the choice we will ensure they get something substantial to eat.

ECC week 1

Next week you will receive home your child’s ‘All about me!’ and perhaps some forms.  If you could complete and return as your earliest convenience.

I will begin adding on parents to the children’s learning journal profiles. Learning Journals will send you an email to set up username, password and a pin. Once you have set this up and logged on you will only have access to your own child’s profile.

In the ECC we have our ‘Treat Tank’ this is money we will collect every Tuesday. suggested amount is £3. This money will contribute to snack, parties, out in community trips etc. 


We hope you have all had a great first couple of days

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