Hurlford ECC Induction – Part 2

Good afternoon,

This is part 2 of our induction for all the children starting with us for session 2021-22.

Go to this Sway

Please remember that your child starts the first Monday of the new month after their 3rd birthday for example; your child turns 3 on 11th September will start on Monday 4th October.Β  We stop for the holidays on Friday 25th June 2021.Β  Children return on Thursday 19th August 2021.After today there is one final part of the induction to follow.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maria Paterson


Getting creative

Hi all,

Hope that you are doing ok isolating – not long to go.

The activity I have for you today, if you have access to a garden are you able to make a little house using sticks and leaves? If not in the garden could you find materials around the house?

Send us your creations!!
