Thursday 28th January- Magic Potions 🧪✨

Good Morning Everyone 💛💙💚❤️💜

I hope you are all well.  Rory and I have had lots of fun making magic potions with water in the kitchen sink and wondered if you might like to try it too?  Rory’s potion was green, with lots of bubbles and had lime and leaves in it!

Here are some materials you could use…

Plastic containers, plastic cups, egg cups, small bottles, food colouring, washing up liquid / hand soap, leaves, petals, chopped fruit.

Making potions is fun but also allows your child to use their imagination and explore textures, smells, colour and nature.

Here are some photos of Rory and his potions..

Have fun and I can’t wait to hear all about your fabulous potions! 🧪✨ (please remember not to drink them).

Debbie 💛



Learning Journals

Good morning everyone,

Throughout today all the parents/carers that completed the online form with their email addresses will receive an email from Learning Journals. This email will contain a link for you to set up a password and login pin. Once you have completed this you will have access to your child’s profile only.  The children still have their learning folders within the ECC that the staff have completed up to date, so there will be no backdated information on Learning Journals. We have put up a few observations and stories for parents/carers to look at and going forward we are trialling this out as our platform for evidence of your child’s learning.

Once the children return to the ECC you can expect to get frequent updates on your child’s learning and development.

In the mean time there is a section ‘Achievements at Home’ on your child’s profile and this is for you to upload any pictures or stories of home learning you would like us to see.

If you are having any issues or would like any information then please send me an email.
