Good Morning Everyone 🤗

As the weather has picked up again and its toasty hot I thought   you could make your own fans to help keep you cool.  Easy Peasy to make.

All you need is paper and anything you want to use to decorate.  We have made these before in nursery some of you boys and girls may remember how to make them☺

All you do is decorate your piece of paper how you would like to. Then fold little bits of the paper forward and then back on itself. 🖍🖌 open up when all folded and you have a fan shape. You can put a gold at the bottom to make a handle.

You can cut a paper plate on half and use a stick as a handle too. Lots of options.

If anyone struggles let me know and I will video me doing it to help you  🤗

Have lots of fun i  the sun and please remember to wear your suncream and Sun hat’s ☉ 😎

