Good Morning Everyone 🤗

As the weather has picked up again and its toasty hot I thought   you could make your own fans to help keep you cool.  Easy Peasy to make.

All you need is paper and anything you want to use to decorate.  We have made these before in nursery some of you boys and girls may remember how to make them☺

All you do is decorate your piece of paper how you would like to. Then fold little bits of the paper forward and then back on itself. 🖍🖌 open up when all folded and you have a fan shape. You can put a gold at the bottom to make a handle.

You can cut a paper plate on half and use a stick as a handle too. Lots of options.

If anyone struggles let me know and I will video me doing it to help you  🤗

Have lots of fun i  the sun and please remember to wear your suncream and Sun hat’s ☉ 😎




Good morning ❤️💜💚💛💙

I know in these uncertain times that some of you may be feeling anxious if your child is due to start Primary 1 after the summer. Following on from the First Minister’s briefing last week you may be wondering what this means now?

There are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered and as soon as the School & ECC have these answers this will allow us to put together a plan to ensure that this transition is a positive experience for both children and families, despite the challenges of Covid-19.

We will also be looking at how best to support children transitioning from home or another establishment into the ECC, as well as returning children.

I would like to thank you all for your continued patience and understanding. Please remember that we are all in this together and going forward the team at Hurlford PS & ECC will endeavour to do our very best in supporting families through these challenging times.

As soon as a plan is set we will be in touch with families.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Maria 💗



🎶sing song time🎶

Good Afternoon Everyone🤗

Another wee sing song for you today and I have a little helper that appears to help choose for you.  He’s a cheeky boy 🐶

🎶Hope you enjoy and sing along. 🎶

What song is your favourite ? Why not let me know and I can sing it from the song box  for you, or why not send me a little video of you singing your favourite song? I’d love to see.🤗

Stay Happy my little Cherubs 😊




Thank you ❤️💚💜💙💛

Hello everyone,

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank all involved in making the video for us! It means so much and I feel so privileged to work with such wonderful families and all the children, that I am missing so much. We are so proud of you all and how amazing you have been through these times.   We look forward to seeing you all, hopefully soon ❤️💙💜💚💛

Thank you again 🥰



Making Art

Hello everyone,

For today let’s get a little creative.

You will need;

  1. pens
  2. paper
  3. materials from outdoors – stones, leaves etc

Let’s see if you can draw some pictures and use what you have gathered from outdoors to finish off your picture or you can make a picture using just the materials you have collected.

I hope you enjoy 😁


Ruba Duba-All children ❤💛💙💚💜

  1. Good Morning Everyone 🤗

I thought  I would share something I enjoyed as a little girl.  You can do at home or out on your walks.

It’s Easy Peasy Surface Rubbings.

All you will need is paper, crayons or pencils and  that’s all. 🖍🖌🖍🖌

Find something you would like to make a print of.  A wall, fance , tree, leaves  or flowers for example. 🌳🍁🍂🌸🌼

Place your paper on them and use your crayon or pencil to rub over the top to see your picture. Has it any pattern ? You can do this as many times as you like and anywhere.



Have lots of fun and as always i love seeing your pictures🤗


Learning to write!

Hello everyone,

After the staff speaking with a few of you yesterday I know that some of you may be feeling anxious about your child starting Primary 1 after the holidays and getting the children prepared for this. I want to reassure you all that you are doing an amazing job in these unprecedented times. It is important that your child is happy, confident and content. Children have a way of amazing us all the time and I am confident that they will surprise us when the time comes. If you want to help your child along with some skills try helping them become more independent. It was a home learning task – to put on own clothes, socks and shoes. Putting on a jacket and being able to zip it up, and even organising their belongings so for example get a backpack and ask them to put in specific things like a pencil, paper and keep practising at this.

We will continue daily tasks to help keep the children busy and learning.  A few of you have raised concerns about children writing their name. Here is an idea of skills we would be working on within the ECC to aid fine motor control.

In Primary 1 your child will be taught how to write their name so please don’t be worried about this, it could be they are simply not ready for that task yet! 😁

i hope this helps if you need any other information or any guidance then please just let us know.

Maria 💗



Daily Task

Good morning everyone.

I hope we are all keeping well? Has any of your sunflowers started peeking through the soil? I know some of them are! well done and keep up the good work. I am so proud of you all for being responsible and taking care of your plants.

I would like for you to get a bit active today.

In the ECC we practice lot’s of skill at gym and in the outdoors. Have you been practising skipping? It is a hard one, remember to change feet . What about some hopping? it takes a lot of balance to make it a better challenge maybe you could try balancing a a small potato or ball on a spoon – no cheating!!

Let me know how it goes. Have fun and remember sometimes if you find it difficult just have a small break and try again.
