Who’s in your home?🏡 All Children

Afternoon Everyone🤗

Here is  Kelsey-Marie’s drawing of whos in her home with her🏡  She’s work very hard on her picture 😊

I’m looking  forward  to seeing more of your wonderful drawings.  Don’t forget to get your big people to send them to me for all your friends and the ladies to see 🤗

Happy Drawing 🖍✏🖊

Ashley X❤


Red Group

Good afternoon Reds,

Hope you are all enjoying doing these fun activities at home.

A game we love to play in the ECC is I Spy.  Can you collect some items like;

  • sock
  • apple
  • toothbrush
  • pencil
  • ball

You could have 4 or 5 items and see if your wee one can guess what item it is by saying the initial sound for example “Can you see something that begins with a?”  And use the letter how it sounds in the word.


Play it with colour and have them tell you what is – red.


Who do you know who’s name starts with for example; m for mum – again try and use the sound of the letter as it is in word.

This helps to encourage listening and also identifying initial letter in words.  If your child can see the objects this helps them with this game.

Have fun and keep sending me your pictures.


Thursday 26th March 2020

Good morning 😁

Today’s daily task – play some games. 🎲

In the ECC we play games like snap, dominoes or a board game.

Children participating in games develops their critical thinking, concentration, decision making, attention, turn taking and social interaction.

Let us know how you get on 😊

Maria ❤️
