Red Group

Good afternoon Red Group.

Your task for today is to enjoy a story.  Let your child choose a book this can be a favourite story or one you haven’t read before.

When looking at your chosen book think about the Author and Illustrator. We discuss these in ECC so “Who writes the words?” and “who draws the pictures?”.

Speak about the characters in the story… ask the children if they know what might happen next?

Once the book is finished try going back over the story. “What was your child’s favourite part?” “Was there any parts they did not like?”.


Draw Who is is your home.🏡

Good Morning all my little people.🤗

I hope you are all having a lovely morning. I am missing all your little faces. We are going to be having some fun and be creative over these weeks.

Today i would like you to draw, paint however you like pictures of who you are all with in your homes. I know you are all very creative so i am excited to see your pictures.

Here is a little drawing of mine below of who i am at home with.

 In my picture i have me Gary and my little dog Stark. So remember to include all your pets you have as they are part of our families too.🐶

Remember to take photos and send me your  pictures📸

Lets get creative🖌

Ashley X❤

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Good morning!!

For learning today we ask that you sing some songs.  The lovely Tracey and Ashley are here singing The Little Green Frog.  We hope the children will enjoy seeing the staff and have a sing along.


Online resource for today for some interactive educational games  – Education City.

All parents/carers should have the username and login. If not please email me.

Hope you all have a good day!

Remember to keep checking GLOW for activities and information.
