Home Learning

Happy New Year to all my P1A families. As Mrs McKee explained in her email on Friday I will be communicating with you through the class blog on GLOW and by email. If you want to get in touch my email address is: gwen.campbell@eastayrshire.org.uk

I will post activities on a Monday and Bug Club books will also be allocated on a Monday. I will be in school teaching in base 1 on Wednesdays and Fridays every week so my access to emails will be more limited on those days. This week I will also be teaching on Thursday.

Please do not get stressed about doing every activity on the grid as I know some of you are working from home, have other children or babies to care for or other commitments. Try and do the core activities (which are in bold on the grid) if you can and anything else would be great.

The magnetic board, letters and numbers pack and the little literacy pack on the wee ring that we sent home earlier in the session will be very useful during the coming weeks.

Please encourage your child to talk, read, write and count as much as possible at home. Remember too that P1 children need time to play.

Week beginning 11th January grid

Crocodile by J K Annand



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