Tuesday 31st March 2020

Good morning primary 5B. Hope you are all well this morning?

Today, I’ve set some more assignments but don’t forget to do some fitness and a Lego/Indoor challenge if you can!

Literacy –

Word of the Day Activity – try to find the meaning and use it in a sentence. Remember antonyms are words with the opposite meanings and synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. Good luck!


Common Words practice activity.

Spelling – Common Words 31.3.20

Try rainbow writing, chalking them outside, pyramid writing or other handed!


Word problem challenge sheet and times table sheet.



Art –

This week we would have been making Easter Cards. Design your own for a family member or follow the link to make a pop up Easter card.

Easter Around the World Research –

It would have been our class assembly this week and we had a few ideas already for it. I’d like you to choose a country and research about how they celebrate Easter. Do they have the same traditions? You can design poster, a powerpoint, or a word document. Look forward to seeing what you find out.


Have a great day!

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