Monday 30th March 2020

Good morning everyone. I hope that you had a lovely weekend. Please post in the Playground chat on Teams about what you got up to over the weekend, if you can!

Today, I have given you some assignments to complete. Remember you can upload them on Teams, post them into your eportfolio, post pictures on here or email them to me.

Literacy –
Solo Talk, try to show me what you had been working on before we had to stop either your powerpoint or poster.

Character Description. (1)
Character Description, using your character web that you’ve already created to write a paragraph about them. Remember we took notes from the Last Wolf then put it into a paragraph?
I’ll put on some new books on your Bug Club for you to work on this week

Number Talks assignments – multiplication today
Sumdog – log on and try to multiplication games

Number Talks 3

We were supposed to be going to visit Dumfries House today to participate in some STEM activites. So, instead I’ve created an assignment for you to go to BBC Science clips and familiarise yourself with changes of state/dissolving again. Maybe your parents might allow you to carry out some new soluble/insoluble experiments again? Follow this link:

For those of you that don’t have Lego and aren’t doing any Lego challenges here are some things for you to do instead, just follow this link:
Have fun!

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