Wednesday 1st April 2020

Hello everyone! Have you done anything funny for April’s Fool Day today – tell us all about it and makes us smile, either in Teams or on your blog.

Today, continue to work on your Easter cards and Easter Around the World Research. Also remember to try and keep active and maybe have a healthy snack today? I’m trying to stay away from the crisps and cakes, it hard though!!It wasn’t me!

I have set you a few assignments today:

Literacy –

Word of the Day Activity – try to find the meaning and use it in a sentence. Remember antonyms are words with the opposite meanings and synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. The word is – convince


Numeracy –

Try to solve these word problems.


French –

Today is April Fool’s Day or as the French call it ‘poisson d’avril’ (April Fish) – try and find out a little about what they do in France on this day. Do they prank people? Try to revise your numbers to 30.

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