All posts by Miss White

Covid Contingency Plan

Covid Contingency Plan

Please find below information regarding our Covid Contingency Plan should whole class isolation or remote learning take place.

Remote Learning

All class teachers will provide four activities for pupils to complete Monday-Thursday which will include a spelling, reading and numeracy activity. Additional activities will be added to cover health & well-being with some across the curriculum activities too. Activities may include printable worksheets, websites, online games and activities, family learning and outdoor activities. Each class will receive one ‘live lesson’ per day.

On a Friday a family learning challenge will be uploaded for all pupils across the school to complete and used as a ‘catch up’ day for any activities which have not been completed throughout the week. All activities should be submitted daily to class teachers.

Daily activities will be scheduled the evening before to ensure families have time to prepare and organise in advance.


P1-3 will access their remote learning via Learning Journals. All pupils will receive their log in details in advance and should access the ‘Stories’ section of the journal. P1-3 teachers will post learning activities on a daily basis for pupils to access. Completed work can be uploaded to Learning Journals for teacher feedback.


P4-7 pupils will access their remote learning via Microsoft Teams. All pupils are familiar with the use of Teams and will continue to access their daily learning activities via the ‘Assignments’ tab on Teams. Pupils should upload their completed work via assignments for teacher feedback.

Live Interactions

Pupils will receive notification in advance of live interactions and these take many forms which may include:

  • A pre-recorded lesson by the teacher or by another teacher from out with the school,
  • PowerPoint presentation with teacher audio pre-recorded.
  • Teams live chat (P4-7)
  • VScene live chat (P1-3)

All pupils should:

  • Understand that no part of any live teaching, learning or discussion will be recorded; Pupils should also not record or take pictures of any part of a livestream / videoconference.
  • Speak with their parent/carer and agree with them before switching their camera on for live sessions.  There is no expectation that pupils need a camera or microphone switched on for any live session.
  • Only use their Glow email address for class communication.
  • Show respect for everyone in the online classroom.
  • Dress appropriately if they are using their camera, thinking about modesty and respect for others.
  • Ensure the location they log in from is appropriate i.e. give consideration to background, camera angle, privacy etc.
  • Understand and agree that no documentation stored for learning, whether it be assignments or materials shall be duplicated, copied or shared with anyone other than the pupil or school.
  • Contact their teacher and/or school immediately if there are any issues.

Inappropriate conduct by any pupil will result in the potential withdrawal of a pupil’s online account and possibly further action.

Online Applications:

The school has purchased a variety on online applications to support remote learning and learning at home. Each child has their own log in for each of these applications, please double check they are able to access these at home.

Sumdog – online tasks for literacy and numeracy.

MyMaths – supporting numeracy and mathematics.

Giglets – supporting reading at home.

Busy Things – P1-3 resource.

Please remember that learning at home is not a replacement for in class learning and there is no expectation that this should be replicated at home. The work provided by the school is a suggestion and we encourage parents/carers to access at least some of the learning provided, where possible.

Learning at home can also consist of one or more of the following:

  • Play and physical activity
  • General everyday family activities
  • Worksheets
  • Activities suggested by the teacher/practitioner
  • Food preparation and cooking
  • Curriculum related activities
  • Talking to other family members
  • Reading and sharing books
  • Learning outdoors, for example, pavement games, nature walks

Class Isolation

In the event of a whole class isolation, in the first instance, the above Remote Learning Plan will take place. Should the class teacher not be available, activities for your child’s year group can be found under the isolation tab on our website. The grid of activities should be completed and submitted on return to school.

Individual Isolation

In the event of an individual having to isolate, the learning grid activities, as mentioned above, should be completed and submitted on return to school.


Primary 7 – Term 1 Targets

It has been lovely to welcome my class back to Primary 7, and everyone seems excited to begin what is shaping up to be a very busy year!

Literacy – Reading

This term the children will continue to develop their reading skills, focusing on our six reading strategies. The children will be encouraged to work independently, sharing their learning with their partner on completion of their tasks. This will help to develop a deeper understanding of the text.


In term one we will focus on functional writing, in the form of letters, explanation texts and persuasive writing. We will be paying particularly close attention to our tools for writing, improving punctuation and using more complex sentence structures.

This term we will also focus on handwriting, paying close attention to the formation of letters.

Personal Talk

This term I will be asking the children to prepare a speech on an influential scientist. I will send home more information closer to the time.


Initially, we will be revising Place Value, and the 4 operations, developing mental strategies to help solve a variety of problems. Before moving onto Data Handling. The children will use a mixture of digital, concrete and written methods during numeracy lessons to reinforce their learning.


Our main topic this session will be the Human Body, focussing on the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. This is a science based topic their will be a mixture of written work and fun experiments.

We will also continue our work on John Muir, working towards the Explorer Award. Our hope is to re-establish the school Eco Garden. This is a large undertaking as initially we have to clear and prepare the ground before any planting can begin.

Health and Wellbeing

Alongside our work on the human body the children will be looking at how we can prevent causing harm to our bodies, ie through substance misuse and leading a healthy lifestyle.

As part of our work on emotional health, we will be focusing on self esteem and image, paying particular attention to the effects of social media and peer pressure.

Meet Marty…

Primary 7 had great fun today getting to know Marty the Robot. Using block coding the children were able to programme their robots, making him dance, walk, light up and wave. Over the next few weeks P7 will take their learning forward and use code to solve a number of problems using Marty.

A huge thank you to Gary Neilson, East Ayrshire’s IT Coordinator for Education, for giving us the opportunity to borrow this amazing resource. Primary 7 had great fun!


John Muir Discovery Award

This session Primary 6 and 7 have been working towards the John Muir Discovery Award. As part of our journey the children have had the opportunity to experience pond dipping, geocaching, orienteering and learnt more about the history of Dunlop.

The John Muir Award is a fantastic way to encourage our young people to become more aware of their surroundings and it was lovely to see all of the primary 6 and 7 children having fun and learning more about nature.

Primary 6 created ThingLink presentations to showcase their experience, click on the links below to have a look at some of the work they produced.

We are incredibly proud of all of our pupils and delighted to say that the have been successful in achieving their Discovery Award. Primary 6 will continue on their John Muir journey as they move into Primary 7.

Dunlop Primary Sketchnote

In November 2019 Dunlop Primary and ECC were inspected by HMIe. We received a fantastic report which highlighted some of the amazing practice within the school. After the initial report was published Mrs Wilson was contacted by our lead inspector, as after some reflection he felt that our Literacy should be highlighted as excellent practice, and to reflect this Education Scotland got in touch to create a Sketchnote and blog. This will be showcased nationally in the Education Scotland newsletter and website.

As a staff team we are immensely proud that our school has received the recognition we feel it deserves. This has been a real team effort and a reflection of strong support that staff, parents and children continue to give each other.

I am immensely proud to have been part of this journey and am looking forward to where we go next.

Miss White





Primary 6 Term 3

Primary 6 are already off to a flying start and have been incredibly busy working on many different aspects of the curriculum.


This term we will finish ready Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and will begin Dragon Fire by Anne Forbes. We will continue to embed our reading strategies with a particular focus on main idea and summary.

For writing we will look at the functional genres persuasive writing and explanation reports. The children will be encouraged to pay particular attention to the their tools for writing, focusing on punctuation.


So far this term we have  covered Money, more specifically hire purchase and budgeting, Angles and Area of triangles and rectangles. For the rest of the term we will look at number, including fractions, decimals and percentages.

Mrs Fullard who will be working with the children on Thursday and Fridays will cover symmetry and tessellation as well as problem solving strategies.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will cover Relationships, sexual Health and Parenthood. The focus in Primary 6 will be to cover aspects of puberty. You can find more information on this by accessing the parent information booklets within the Useful Documents section on the Blog.

We will also continue to focus on our emotional and  mental health and strategies exploring ways to help support ourselves and others.


The children are thoroughly enjoying their work towards the John Muir Award and this will continue until the end of term. There are many aspects to this work including enjoying our natural surroundings, learning more about the science behind nature and sharing our learning with the wider community.

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood – Parent Information

Please find below the link to the Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood parental information letters.








World Book Day 2021 – P4-7 Extreme Reader

This week saw  Dunlop Primary celebrating World Book Day! Although P4-7 are still at home we didn’t want to miss out on all the fun. We asked the children to do a bit of Extreme Reading and they certainly didn’t let us down! Please watch the attached video to see what they all got up to!



John Muir Award – Day 2

Today we had another adventure in the Millennium Woods, and the rain even stayed off!

Today we collected a variety of different leaves and once back in class we organised them into groups and used a key to help identify the tree that they belonged to. Our next step is to use Microsoft Excel to complete graphs to collate our information.

In teams we used the leaves to create art work inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. I am sure will agree they are fantastic!