All posts by Mrs Agnew

P1 Remote learning 22.6.21 – 25.6.21

Well, what a sad way to end a great year together!  We hope that everyone stays safe and well and you are able to go ahead with any holiday plans you may have.  As the weather has been fairly good, we would recommend that you spend plenty of time outside playing in your garden over the next few days – play football, hopscotch etc.  You can also do some of the numeracy and maths tasks outdoors – comparing weights and subtracting numbers.

Should you wish to continue with the planned learning you will find a link below to different activities.  There are plenty of video links to support the learning but they are there to provide plenty of variety.  Decide on the ones you want to see.  Mrs Forsyth plans to assign a new reader for our avid bookworms.

Happy holidays when they come.   Mrs Forsyth is already looking forward to working with you again in P2/3.  Mrs Agnew is going to miss you all very much.

P1 Remote learning 22.6.21 – 25.6.21


Sport’s Day!

Tomorrow is Sports Day!

Please come dressed in shorts, t-shirt and trainers.

You may wish to dress in your team colours – this is optional :

Yellow team : Ellis, Harris, Eve,  and Jamie

Blue team : Ford, Jack, Kaiden and Freya

Red team : Elle and Fraser

Green team : Jess, Archie and Jaxon

Please don’t feel stressed about this as we only just received our house team list this afternoon.

Let’s hope for another lovely, sunny day.

Scotland Euro 2021

You might have heard that there is a wee game of football on TV this coming Monday afternoon.

It has been a challenging year for everyone and we would love our pupils from our ECC to P7 to take this opportunity to come together and boogie whilst supporting our national team.

The first half will be shown in classes and pupils are welcome to come dressed in something tartan, their Scotland football tops/T-shirts, or even better – one that they have designed themselves.

Let’s get behind Scotland!

P1 plan for learning WB 24.5.21

Good morning.

Below you will find a link for the learning planned for the next couple of weeks in P1.

We hope that you find these posts useful to help you know the learning which is taking place.  Please continue to support your child in daily sounds and reading.  There are other areas highlighted if you are interested in working with your child in this learning.

Your children are continuing to enjoy their learning experiences, particularly those through play, so we would encourage you to chat with your child and find more fun ways for learning.

Happy learning!

learning plan 24.5.21

Number challenge homework

Today Mrs Forsyth set the children a wee number challenge for homework.

Practise counting on in 2s to 20.  Start within 10 and slowly increase to 20.  Begin with the use of fingers, number lines etc but slowly remove these aides until your child is able to count in 2s to 20 with more confidence.

Do some quiz questions – What is 2 more than 6?  What is 2 more than 14?

If your child finds this challenge too easy – then get them counting back in 1s and 2s from 20 with more speed!

Happy counting!

P1 learning plan wb 01.03.21

Well we had smiles, tears, acts of kindness and friendship, falls but most of all we had the joy of being back in the classroom last week.  The happiness of being back with friends, sharing experiences and having fun with our learning.  Mrs Forsyth and I really enjoyed our first week back with your children.  As we worked so well as a team throughout lockdown, we would like to continue sharing our plans for the learning taking place in P1.  This will keep you informed and enable you to continue having an input into your child’s education.  We intend to post a plan every couple of weeks or so.  There are areas in the plan indicated with a star for any extra input at home if you have time.  The children told us that they enjoyed sharing their learning experiences with adults at home and would like for this to continue.  Thank you again for all the hard work you put into remote learning.

learning plan wb 01.03.21