Head Teacher Update

Our first week back at school has been a hard working week. I’d like to welcome Miss Field to the school. She will be working across all the classes this term.

During the Easter holidays, we received the lovely news that we have achieved our Silver Reading Award. Thank you to our Junior Librarians led by Mrs Somerville who have organised so many fun reading events to help us achieve this award.

At assembly on Friday, Mrs Stevenson was talking to the children about Earth Day which is linking very much with an outdoor learning focus we will have this term. Throughout term 4 all classes will be developing their skills at outdoor learning. Our P3/4 and P5/6 class will be taking part in the baking project which other classes have enjoyed so far. P1/2 are looking forward to starting their swimming block.

P1 have enjoyed working in the ECC with our new P1s and our new P1s will start their transition sessions next week supported by our P6 buddies.

P7 transition will be getting underway shortly with sessions planned for Doon Academy teachers to visit us and P7 to take part in activities in Doon Academy too.

By Friday, I will have an updated calendar for Term 4 ready to send out with all the important dates for Term 4. One date to note is a Sharing the Learning session for parents on Friday 17th May at 2pm. This will be an opportunity to come into school and share some learning across the curriculum. We hope you will be able to join us.