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25th April – Homework

Good morning – I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for the week ahead!


This week we have Reading, spelling and maths homework.


Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.

Spelling Words:


Genius Gems                      Whizz Kids                Clever Cookies

white                                        white                               their

purple                               why                          some

yellow                               also                          them

tries                                 turn                          last

tried                                 great












Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Complete your math worksheet in your jotter.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊

Homework 19th April

19th April Homework

This week we have Reading, spelling and maths homework.


Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.


This week our spelling is revision:

Genius Gems                      Whizz Kids                Clever Cookies

these                                            wrinkle                             took

busy                                             celebrate                          very

heard                                             replied                              fast

whole                                                city                                  there

ate                                                       icy

better                                                face

scary                                                 place

police                                               more


GG – Challenge






Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Complete your math worksheet in your jotter.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊

Homework 14th March

14th March Homework

For homework this week we will have our spelling words for our test on Friday as usual. As well as this, I am setting everyone a challenge. The homework will not be due in until 30th March.

We have been focusing on report writing throughout the year so far in our big writing lessons. I am looking for everyone to write a report on a topic of your choice – something you would like to teach me about, it could be an animal, a sport, a country etc.

The things I am looking for you to do in order to be successful with your challenge are:

  • To research/ include facts about your chosen topic
  • Organise your facts into appropriate sections, having a sub-heading for each section
  • A title
  • Include both images and text
  • Layout is appropriate for your style of writing and attractive for the reader
  • Topic words – language appropriate for your chosen topic


You can choose to type your report, write it on paper, write on a template etc.

If you would like paper or a template for me please let me know and I will provide this for you!

Have fun with this!!

Homework 7th March

Homework 7th March

This week you have spelling homework and a research task.

Your spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                          Whizz Kids                               Genius Gems

today                                                  back                                                     here

grow                                                    bird                                                      hear

her                                                      add                                                          ate

are                                                      between                                             better

each                                                    world                                                   scary

whole                                                    police

too                                                           white




Your research task is as follows:

To research a Significant Scot from the past. This could be an inventor, leader, public speaker and so on – try to choose a different Scottish person from last time.

The information you have to find out about to report back is:

  • Who the person is
  • Which part of Scotland they came from – find out information about the part of Scotland they come from so we can share facts with the class
  • How they positively influenced Scotland
  • The benefits we see today because of them

We will be using this information for our topic task on Thursday so please bring the information sheet with all of your findings in for then.

Looking forward to hearing all about your Significant Scot!

28th February Homework

28th February

This week we have Reading, spelling and maths homework.


Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.


This week our spelling is revision:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

are                                               Stirling                             family

new                                         Edinburgh                         another

said                                         Inverness                          house

only                                           Perth                                hour

Ayr                                   children

Girvan                               which

Dundee                             people

Scots                                those





Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Complete your math worksheet in your jotter.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊

Homework 21st February

21st February

This week we have Reading, spelling and maths homework.


Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.


This week our spelling is revision:

Clever Cookies                 Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

meat                                            stitch                             beautiful

grow                                             wrist                                 goes

flew                                            wrinkle                          happened

way                                               cried                                enough

replied                              believe





Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Please spend some time on addition and subtracting games on Sumdog.

Have a lovely week everyone 😊

Homework 31st January

This week we have Reading, spelling, maths and HWB homework.

Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.

Spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

have                                            about                           interesting

again                                           house                            screamed

each                                            around                               seem

ask                                                  hour                                bought

come                                              side                                  whole







Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Please complete your math worksheet focusing on dividing by 10 and 100.

HWB- Create a solution poster for our PATHS problem this week: ‘When I’m playing a game, sometimes people kick me!’

Have a lovely week everyone 😊

Homework 24th January

This week we have poetry, spelling, maths and HWB homework.


I have attached a copy of our poem to be learned for Burns at the end of the month – ‘A Dug, A Dug’. Every person should practise their poem to be performed in front of the class. Everyone should learn their words, add actions and confidently perform with a loud, clear voice. Winners will be chosen one day this week.

With any spare time please spend it on Bugclub finishing your book.


Spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

have                                 tell                                       believe

again                                 large                                 decided

each                                 spell                                  another

ask                                   still                                      quiet

come                                 saw                                  quite





Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. With any spare time please spend it on Sumdog completing multiplication and division games.


HWB – to complete your solution poster if you did not complete it last week.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊


Today we were learning about integrity and why this is an important value for leaders. All children had to create a maze then make their way from the start to the end blindfolded. Each child had to put their trust into their partner for directions to lead them to the end of their maze.

This was a lovely exercise which everyone complete very well. Well done!!

A Dug, A Dug

A Dug, A Dug

By Bill Keys

Hey, Daddy, wid ye get us a dug ?
A big broon alsation ur a wee white pug ?
Ur a skinny wee terrier, ur a big fat collie?
Aw, daddy,get us a dug.  Will yi ?

Whit! An’ whose dug’ll it be when it durties the flerr,
An’ wets the carpet and messes the sterr?
Its me ur yer mammy’ll be tane furra mug.
Away oot’n play.  Yer no getting a dug.

But daddy thur gi’en them away
Down therr at the RSPCA.
Yu’ll get wan fur nothin, so ye will.
Aw. Daddy, get us a dug, Will ye?

Dji hear um?  Oan aboot dugs again?
Ah think that yins goat dugs’n the brain.
Ah know whit yu’ll get: a skite oan the lug
If ah hear ony merr aboot this bloomin dug.

Aw, Daddy, it widny be dear tae keep
An’ah’d make it a basket fur it tae sleep.
An’ah’d take it fur runs away ower the hull.
Aw, Daddy, get us a dug.  Will ye?

A doan’t think thurs embdy like you:
Yi could wheedle the twist oot a flamin’ corkscrew.
Noo! Get doon aff my neck.  Gies nane a yur hugs.

Aw right.  THAT’S ANUFF. Ah’ll get yi a dug.

Aw Daddy.  A dug. A dug