Homework 24th January

This week we have poetry, spelling, maths and HWB homework.


I have attached a copy of our poem to be learned for Burns at the end of the month – ‘A Dug, A Dug’. Every person should practise their poem to be performed in front of the class. Everyone should learn their words, add actions and confidently perform with a loud, clear voice. Winners will be chosen one day this week.

With any spare time please spend it on Bugclub finishing your book.


Spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

have                                 tell                                       believe

again                                 large                                 decided

each                                 spell                                  another

ask                                   still                                      quiet

come                                 saw                                  quite





Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. With any spare time please spend it on Sumdog completing multiplication and division games.


HWB – to complete your solution poster if you did not complete it last week.


Have a lovely week everyone 😊