Homework 31st January

This week we have Reading, spelling, maths and HWB homework.

Spend 30 minutes this week – or 10 minutes each night – reading your Bugclub book. You must complete your questions as you go along. Try to read aloud and focus on your expression when reading.

Spelling words this week are:

Clever Cookies                Whizz Kids              Genius Gems

have                                            about                           interesting

again                                           house                            screamed

each                                            around                               seem

ask                                                  hour                                bought

come                                              side                                  whole







Maths homework – spend some time each night practising your times tables. This can be done writing them out, on hit the button, or practising a song. You should focus on the 4, 6 or 7 – I would like us to be confident with all of our times tables therefore you should make sure you are confident with one before moving to the next. Please complete your math worksheet focusing on dividing by 10 and 100.

HWB- Create a solution poster for our PATHS problem this week: ‘When I’m playing a game, sometimes people kick me!’

Have a lovely week everyone 😊