All posts by ealaura.kelly@glow

Mrs Kelly’s Update 13/05/2020

Hello again P5,

I hope you are all well and still all managing ok. You are all doing a super job keeping busy from what I can see on your blogs and the emails some of you have sent me. I have really enjoyed hearing all your news. I miss you all very much and I am looking forward to when we can get back to school.

I have been busy this week: catching up with some of the families from school on the phone; preparing your learning grids; homeschooling Dylan and of course our VE Day celebrations.

I loved the VE Day anniversary. I caught up with the Fenwick staff online and we had a virtual tea party which was great. I wore my wee Granny’s tea dress and made some cakes. Later on with my family we listened to old wartime music and I baked a pie.

I have been continuing my cooking journey and as I mentioned, I baked a pie for VE day – chicken and leek with pastry. It seemed to go down well as there was none left! I also made a cottage pie yesterday; it wasn’t as tasty as I had hoped so I think I must have left an ingredient out.

I have been doing some walking to help with the walk500miles challenge and I have been enjoying the scenery around where I live. Sometimes I just walk round our fields and last week I spotted some more lambs, a wee cat looking very happy with itself hiding down by the burn at the bottom of our field and a very sleepy Paddy 🙂

Remember to log your miles with Mrs Davidson to see if our little school can reach our target of 500miles and if you can, make a small donation on ParentPay towards our fundraiser for Hallhouse Carehome.

Take lots of care boys and girls, remember to update me with your news and any work you would like me to check on your blog, or email if you would prefer. I will take a selection of things to share on our Feedback Friday post.

I look forward to hearing from you, even if it is just to say hello.

From, Mrs Kelly 🙂

Primary 5 Learning Grid 11/05/2020

Hello P5,

Welcome to our new week and new learning grid. I hope you enjoyed the VE Day themed grid last week and managed to enjoy a tea party or something similar with your family.  I will update you on my week in Wednesday’s check in.

Please find attached our weekly grid, as always, please upload or email any activities you complete to me and I will send you a comment back. Just a reminder that activities are not mandatory but if you can, have a go, feedback is always welcomed. 🙂

This week grid can be found here.

Grid attachments and links:

Reminder of Number Talks Strategies

Multiplication Crossword                       Multiplication Bingo Multiplication Frenzy

White Rose Maths – Week 3 (remember to click WEEK 3)

Spelling Words                                              Pobble 365 Writing Activities

Titanic Reading Comprehension

LOST Outdoor Activity Link                   RRSA Activities

Update Blog Link                                          STEM at home activities

Feedback Friday

Hi P5,

You have all been very busy this week and I have enjoyed seeing all your different updates, Here are a selection of things you have been sharing for your classmates to see.

A fabulous attempt at creating a SWAY about artists.

Different types of Art
Today we are going to talk about different types of art like
Go to this Sway

Very busy feeding lambs at the farm: 

Growing lots of plants:

Growing Aqua Dragons:

Sending me a Morse Code to crack:

Being busy creating a new holder for up-cycled flower vases:

Some artistic photographs:

Busy making soup and taking care of his pony:

An excellent life jacket deign for our Titanic task:

Very busy keeping fit and completing the HT Playground Challenge:


Mrs Kelly’s Update 06/05/2020

Hello P5, I hope you are all well and enjoying the sunshine and time with your families.

I cannot believe it is ‘Mrs Kelly Update’ time again, I feel like the weeks are beginning to pass quicker than I had thought they would.

As you know, this week marks the 75th Anniversary of VE Day; as you may remember I love learning all about WW2, something I inherited from my Gramps. He wrote novels and based a lot of them on WW2 and I had the privilege of proof reading his work. He also loved WW2 planes and I have one of his model Spitfires and a commemorative Spitfire plate in my house. My wee Granny’s brother fought in WW2 and I thought you would like to see a picture of her with her brother Kenzie, when he was on leave during the war. I am looking forward to our VE Day virtual afternoon tea with the staff and then my family on Friday.

I have continued on my cooking journey and last week I made a carbonara; it was a bit of a ‘Mrs Kelly’s take on a carbonara’ as I included chicken and used the wrong pasta – ooops. It tasted nice all the same. This week I am going to attempt a pie with pastry for our VE Day party.

I have been continuing to write your reports, prepare learning, virtually meet with the Fenwick staff and home-school Dylan. I have been continuing to keep fit with Joe Wicks, Zumba and Yoga and I have been really enjoying this – this week I learned how to Hula Hoop too! I go for a walk around our fields with the dog and Penny really loves that.

Hula Hoop Video 🙂

Paddy is also continuing to keep fit being lunged three times a week. This week I started to take him on my daily walk in-hand to get him back used to roads and seeing different things before we start riding again – it is like taking a huge dog for a walk!

I hope you have enjoyed my update for this week, I am looking forward to seeing all of yours too. I am going to start a ‘Feedback Friday’ post on our blog with some of the things you have been sharing so as your classmates can see them – if there is anything in particular you want shared please email me it, if not I will just pick a small selection.

Remember to pop over to the updates page to see our Classroom Support Assistants updates too – here.

Take care and I hope to see you all soon.

Mrs Kelly 🙂


P5 VE Day Themed Learning Grid 04/05/2020

Hello P5,

Welcome to the start of our VE Day themed week. VE Day marks it’s 75th anniversary this Friday and Fenwick Primary have gone ‘all things VE Day’ to mark this important day in our history seeing as we are unable to go ahead with the street party we had planned.

As always, the activities are optional but I hope you enjoy learning about something a little different this week and I look forward to any updates you can make on your blog. I will attach any follow up links you may need below, just click to access.

You can find this week’s learning grid here.


VE Day Spelling Words                                 Word Search 2 Word Search 1

VE Day Newspaper Report Example    Newspaper Template

VE Day Reading Comprehension            Morse Code   Challenge Code

Rationing (for prices then and now) and Wartime Recipes 

More Recipes

VE Day Information                                         VE Day Thoughts

WW2 Aeroplane Art                                       WW2 Aeroplane Pictures

Winston Churchill’s VE Day Speech

You can also find an additional learning grid, which focuses on expressive arts, in the Resources blog-

How to Share SWAY

Hi P5,

A couple of you have asked how to share SWAY on your blog. As you complete your SWAY on GLOW it will automatically save in your SWAY tile. Once you complete your SWAY, if you click on the ‘share’ button on the top right hand corner it will give you a link you can then copy and then paste on your blog (right click and paste). I have taken a couple of screen shots to show you how to do it.


Hi P5,

A couple of you have been in touch asking how to use SWAY on Microsoft Office 365, I have found a handy wee ‘How To’ video:

To access SWAY, log into GLOW and on the top right, type in SWAY to the search bar, the tile should appear. If it does not, add the tile to your Launch Pad.

I look forward to seeing any SWAYs you try out! 🙂

Mrs Kelly

Mrs Kelly’s Update 29/04/2020

Hi P5,

Here we are in week six of Lockdown and I must say it feels like a very long time since I have seen you all. I am missing seeing your wee faces everyday and our P5 conversations.

I have had a busy week since I last checked-in with you all. I have spoken to lots of parents across the school to hear how everyone is getting on, creating your home learning materials and homeschooling too.

Thank you very much to everyone who has managed to update their blog with the different activities and family fun you have been having, I have enjoyed seeing what you are all doing. Please feel free to comment on this blog post or get in touch via email if you need help with anything.

I have been continuing my cooking journey and this week I made lasagne. There was a thumbs up all round from Mr Kelly and Dylan and I must say I surprised myself. This week’s challenge is going to be carbonara, I will update you next week on how that goes.

I have continued to keep fit and I have been walking my dog Penny and my Mum’s dog Rosie around our fields. This morning we could see all the lambs in the next field snoozing with their mums – no wonder after all the skipping and fun they were having yesterday evening, I could see them playing from my window.


Dylan and I were having a good laugh at our cat Daisy at the weekend. She was lying on the bed with her tongue sticking out, did you know that a cat can collect scents on their tongues – fun fact!


I have also been doing some mindful colouring, I have been quite enjoying it but I must say it needs a lot of patience. I have been using an animal themed book which, as you know, is my favourite.

To round off my week, I decided to give hairdressing a go as Dylan’s hair was getting a bit wild. After a slightly shaky start, I managed to get into the swing of it and I think the end result is not too bad 🙂

That is my update for this week. I am looking forward to hearing yours. Please comment on this post or on your blog to let me know how you are getting on.

Take lots of care and have fun with your families.

Mrs Kelly 🙂

Primary 5 Learning Grid 27/04/2020

Hi P5,

Here we are into another week of lockdown, I hope you are all well and have been enjoying time with your families in this lovely sunshine we have been having.

Remember to try and upload what you have been doing to your Blog as I am really loving seeing you all. Or, you can email me if you need any help with anything.

I have created this weeks learning grid which can be found by clicking here. There are quite a lot of attachments this week and they can all be found by clicking the following links:

Spelling Words

Reminder of Number Talks Strategies

Multiplication Worksheets

Online Safety

Everyday Activities

Modern Languages Sign Up Instructions

BBC Bitesize Timetable

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care,

Mrs Kelly