Primary 5 Learning Grid 27/04/2020

Hi P5,

Here we are into another week of lockdown, I hope you are all well and have been enjoying time with your families in this lovely sunshine we have been having.

Remember to try and upload what you have been doing to your Blog as I am really loving seeing you all. Or, you can email me if you need any help with anything.

I have created this weeks learning grid which can be found by clicking here. There are quite a lot of attachments this week and they can all be found by clicking the following links:

Spelling Words

Reminder of Number Talks Strategies

Multiplication Worksheets

Online Safety

Everyday Activities

Modern Languages Sign Up Instructions

BBC Bitesize Timetable

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care,

Mrs Kelly

11 thoughts on “Primary 5 Learning Grid 27/04/2020”

    1. Hi Esme,
      You can choose. There is beginners French and Spanish and also one for an introduction to China which might be interesting with us learning some Mandarin before lockdown.

      Mrs Kelly 🙂

  1. Mrs Kelly can I please get some new books on giglets? I have read all the ones there. And Im having trouble getting onto Education City and Sumdog.

    1. Sophie, I have added a couple of new books to Giglets for you. Let me know how you get on with them as I can change them if need be. Is it connection issues with Education City and Sumdog?
      Thanks, Mrs Kelly

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