All posts by ealaura.kelly@glow

Sumdog Leaderboards

Well done to everyone who participated in our Sumdog Challenges and Competition this week. I have attached the leader boards and well done to you all for giving it your best.

Emma, Olivia and Lucca have managed to top the leader boards this week, I wonder who may challenge them for the top next week?

I have uploaded more challenges and a competition for next week. This will start on Monday at 9am and stop on Thursday at 3.30pm.

I have rewarded everyone who participated in Sumdog this week with coins.

Mrs Kelly 🙂


Feedback Friday 29/05/2020

Good morninig P5,

Quite a quiet Feedback Friday this week with only a couple of updates from you this week. I am sure you are all outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine we are having – remember to send me your outdoor updates too.

Thank you to those of you who have replied to my check in email, if you haven’t already done so, please check your emails and reply.

I hope you all enjoyed Sport Day and there is a compilation of some of #teamfenwick’s efforts over on the updates page which you can find when you click here.

Luke has sent in a funny picture of his horses this week, he thought you would like to see them looking like a camel and lama 🙂

And his sports day video featuring his ponies can be found here.

Sophie has been working hard and she completed the ‘Selfie in Isolation’ Task I had set. I think it looks great and well done Sophie for your hard work.

Eilidh has been busy with some science and she created some tin foil boats. She has sent some instructions for us to follow if we would like.

Ellie and her family enjoyed participating in Sports Day too and here is a picture of them having completed a race.

Thank you P5. Continue to stay safe and take care. Enjoy this nice weather we are having and I am looking forward to more updates next week and hopefully seeing you all soon.

Mrs Kelly 🙂

Mrs Kelly Update 27/05/2020

Hello P5,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the long weekend. Thank you to those of you who have responded to my email, for those of you who have not yet, please check your emails and reply 🙂

I thought for all you animal fans out there I would make a change from my usual horse post and introduce you to Daisy cat instead. She was in a nice warm spot on my couch the other day and being very nosy at what I was doing 🙂

My cooking journey continued with one of my favourite dinners this week – roast beef – yum! I even tried to make Yorkshire puddings too. They looked a little strange but tasted delicious.

My garden has been filled with interesting animals this week, all enjoying the nice weather I think. I was curious to watch what I initially though was two birds fighting when I then realised it was a mother starling feeding her rather large baby starling! I video’d it for a while and from the still you can see it with a worm in its mouth about to feed the baby.

I also have a regular visit from a tiny little baby rabbit, no bigger than the palm of my hand, who has taken to hopping about the path next to my garden – it is very cute.

There was a very tired Bumble Bee on the path so I gave it some sugar water and returned it to the large flowers I have in my garden.

And lastly, I found a nest that had fallen out a tree and was lying in my front garden. Luckily, there were no eggs or baby birds in it but I was very interested seeing how the clever birds have woven the twigs together to make their nest. How they do that with just their beaks, I find absolutely fascinating!

It is a very difficult time for everyone at the moment and as we know, we should always think kind. So, I was really delighted to receive this little surprise through the post from Miss Thomson. It was very kind and thoughtful of her and really brightened up my day.

Dylan, Mr Kelly and I love a movie night and as we had never watched The Lorax before, we decided to watch it on Saturday. Dylan made the popcorn from popcorn kernels and we settled down to watch it. It really has such an eco and Global Goals message, we really enjoyed it.

That is  me for this week’s update, I am looking forward to hearing all about your week. Remember to post anything you would like me to see/check on your blogs or email. I will add a selection of posts in our Feedback Friday post too.

Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Mrs Kelly 🙂

Primary 5 Learning Grid 26/05/2020

Hello P5,

I hope you all had a nice day yesterday and enjoyed the long weekend. I have attached this week’s learning grid and any resources you need are below. I have included a couple of different items this week and I would really value your feedback – I know you all loved First News so I have included an activity using our favourite paper.

Miss Dasgupta and I have a little video message for you too which you can access here.

This week’s learning grid can be found here.

Resources required are:

Reminder of Number Talks Strategies                  Brain Teaser

Fractions and Decimals – Choose WEEK 1 Year 4

Spelling Words                                Spelling Activity

FIRSTNEWS Full Edition          First News 1 Chilli

First News 2 Chilli                        First News Quiz

First News Quiz Challenge     First News Crossword

First News Crossword Challenge

Conversation cards                      Feeling Faces

RRSA Article-of-the-Week Activities

Remember to upload your work to your blog or email it to me.  I hope you all have a great week and I look forward to seeing how you are getting on.

Mrs Kelly 🙂




Feedback Friday 22/05/2020

Hello P5,

What a busy week you have all been having and thank you for your updates and completed work. I hope you enjoyed the Health Week activities and I am looking forward to any updates about your Virtual Sports Day activities.

Well done to Eilidh for completing the Titanic comprehension task.  I thought her Wish Jar was a great idea.  🙂

Ellie created a beautiful picture from natural materials and conducted a very exciting Volcano experiment! She also completed one of The Lorax tasks about the main character.

Flynn was very lucky to get a new trampoline – I hope he has been having lots of fun bouncing!

Harry has been working hard transforming his garden and being very green-fingered planting too.

I love this idea. Harry has up-cycled tins to create lanterns and by hammering small holes in the shape of different leaves, the light will glow through.

Lucca has been busy looking after his pet frogs 🙂

Luke has been completing his numeracy work – well done for getting all your multiplication calculations correct.

Olivia has some little caterpillars and I am very excited to see their progress and journey to becoming beautiful butterflies.

Sophie has been very busy completing the Learning Grid activities and has been enjoying the egsoil lessons she had noticed on the grid from a few weeks ago. She has been doing a community litter pick and using her numeracy skills, has created a chart showing the different types of litter.

Thank you for all the updates P5, I am looking forward to your blog updates and remember you can email me too.

Thank you,

Mrs Kelly 🙂

Mrs Kelly’s Update 20/05/2020

Hi P5,

Here we are, another week into lockdown and you have been sharing lots of your work and what you have been doing, thank you very much. I enjoy seeing these updates and helping where I can. I hope you are all enjoying the Health Week activities and I am really looking forward to seeing any Sports Day activities – did you work out which one I was in the video? 🙂

I really enjoyed taking part in Fenwick’s walk500miles challenge and I have been continuing to try and walk 5km as often as I can. I am alternating between 5km, fitness and Zumba to keep fit.

I have continued with my cooking/baking journey. This week I made a steak pie – Mr Kelly’s favourite meal – and fairy cakes. I totally forgot to take a picture of the end result!

I got a new phone this week so I decided to try out the camera on it with a portrait picture of Penny and Daisy, I think it worked quite nicely – Penny was very keen to show you all her new toy. 🙂

At the weekend, we had a family game of Bingo! I managed to get a line first but didn’t win the whole game unfortunately.

It has become quite drizzly over the last few days and I was amused to see a very grumpy bunny sitting in the middle of my garden, looking very unhappy about the rain. It’s wee ears were flat against its back and it was all tucked in trying to keep dry – I am not sure why it didn’t just go for cover. Paddy has continued to be lazy and snooze in the field.

Dylan and I have been homeschooling daily and he is doing well, he misses his friends and grandparents and is looking forward to going back to school to see his teacher. I hope you are all managing ok too and remember to just do what you can when you can. It is very strange for us all and sometimes you might feel a little sad or glum about being not seeing your friends and family or being at school – this is normal and the best way is to share your feelings with someone and talk about it.

I will send you all a little message with next week’s Learning Grid so remember to look out for it.

Take lots of care and I look forward to seeing your updates on your blogs or email.

Mrs Kelly

P5 Health Week Themed Learning Grid 18/05/2020

Welcome P5 to Health Week!

We have a Health and Well-Being themed learning grid for the whole school this week and we hope you really enjoy it. A big thanks to Mrs Ross, our Health and Well-Being Coordinator, for coming up with lots of great ideas. We are hoping for nice weather so as we can all participate in our Virtual Sports Day on Friday. More information about our Sports Day can be found below our grid but here is a video The staff made as an example:

Virtual Sports Day video and instructions, click here.

I am looking forward to all your updates and photos which you can upload onto your blog or email me.

See under the learning grid for all attachments you may need.

This week’s Learning Grid can be found here.

Wellbeing Craft Jar                                Selfie in Isolation Template

Mindful Monsters                                    Mindful Activities

LORAX Activities                                      BBC Bitesize Clip

Train Like a Footballer                           Garden Birds iDial

Woodland Olympics                                Birdseed Feeder

Story Teller Cards                                    Challenge Story Teller Cards

Well being diary: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

All the information you will need for your own Virtual Sports Day can be found here in the Sports Day 2020 PPT.

Have a great week and I can’t wait to see all your updates!

Mrs Kelly 🙂

Feedback Friday 15/05/2020

Hello P5, what a busy week you all seem to be having.

Thank you to anyone who has updated their blog or sent work to me via email, I am enjoying seeing how you are all getting on.

I have been checking your Giglets and Education City tasks and I have uploaded some more for those that have completed them.  Sumdog Competition starts today so remember to log on and complete some tasks towards the competition.

Remember tasks and your completed work can be screenshot/photographed and uploaded to your blog or in an email to me – I check these daily 🙂

Here are a selection of the things you have all been doing this week.

I was very excited to see Eilidh’s Blue Peter Badge from our masterclass came through – did anyone else receive theirs?

Well done Eilidh for completing the Multiplication Frenzy, did anyone manage to beat her time?

Some life skills being learnt here with Harry sewing a face mask – well done!

Looking very ‘of the time’ for his VE Day tea party – cakes look delicious!

Great work from Luis with his Titanic topic – life jackets and class of passengers.

Olivia completed our ‘Night at the Movies’ task and what a super job she has done – tickets made and scanned and a tuck shop too!

Sophie has been very busy completing her Education City tasks, Giglets and Sumdog too. She has been creative making pom poms and out supporting our walk500miles challenge too. Keep up the good work Sophie!

Well done Luke for completing your VE Day spelling and comprehension task for literacy.  🙂 

Lily’s kitten is going through it’s mischievous stage!