Mrs O’Neill Update – Check-in 6.5.20

Hi Primary 1

It is Mrs O’Neill here! As lovely as it is to be writing to you, I would much rather be seeing your smiley faces. How are you? How is your learning going? If you are finding anything tricky, please get in touch and we will do our absolute best to help you out. Thank you to everyone who has updated their blog!

I have taken some photos of the sunny walks I have been enjoying. Have you noticed any signs we are moving from spring to summer?

I have noticed the trees are in full leaf and lovely and green right now. If you followed this path in your imagination, who might you meet? A Gruffalo? A talking tree? A little mouse?

I spotted a family of ducks going for a swim. I can count 5 ducks in the pond. Do you know a song about 5 ducks?


Can you see the little black tadpoles in this photo? They were swimming super fast!

Lastly, I saw a beautiful butterfly and it settled on a leaf to enjoy the warm sunshine. Isn’t it pretty?

We don’t just have to look for signs of summer with our eyes, we can also listen with our ears. Listen out for mummy birds singing ‘you can do it’ as their baby birds learn to fly and grasshoppers chirping in the long grass.

Take care, keep safe and stay well everyone.

7 thoughts on “Mrs O’Neill Update – Check-in 6.5.20”

  1. Hi,

    This week I have enjoyed playing coconut ordering and Esme played too. We have went big walks and played hopscotch. I am also getting really good at Ludo. I miss all my class friends and want to play with you all soon.

    Keep Safe

    1. Hi Archie,

      It is so lovely to hear from you! It sounds like you have been making the most of the lovely weather by playing outside and doing lots of exercise.

      Take care,
      Mrs O’Neill

  2. Hello Mrs O’Neill
    I have also been outside a lot in the sunshine and beautiful blue skies. I have been noticing the changes, I can hear the birds singing and see the green hedges growing. I can smell the freshly cut grass in the garden.
    I have been doing Education City and my spelling words this week with sentences. I have done some PE outside and liked the Hopscotch idea last week which I done on my drive way. I have also been doing some jigsaws.
    Lily. x

    1. Hi Lily,

      It is so lovely to hear from you. It sounds like you have had a busy week and working very hard – great job!

      Take care
      Mrs O’Neill

  3. Hello Mrs O’Neil!
    I enjoyed reading your note and looking at your photos. I had a butterfly in my house yesterday, I caught it and set it free.

    This week I did my patterns, I used different flowers to make different patterns. I did colours, shapes and if it was jaggy or smooth.
    I was working on my project on Fiji, my dad and grandma taught me to count to five in Fijian this week!
    Today we are having a VE party, I am making rhubarb crumble and scones.I cant wait to decorate the table with my toys and mummy’s tea set.
    From Mason

    1. Hi Mason,

      It is so lovely to hear from you! Great work on your patterns. I am really looking forward to hearing you count to 5 in Fijian – well done! How did your baking turn out?

      Take care
      Mrs O’Neill

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