ECC – progress reports/calls

ECC Progress Reports:


During the next few weeks we will issue you with your child’s progress report and invite you to have a telephone meeting with your child’s key worker.


The progress reports have recently changed format and may look different to what you have received before.


For children returning to the Centre this will be “Play and Learning Report”


For children moving into Primary 1 this will be an “Early Years Transition Profile Entry to Primary 1” Report.


Children who, for any reason, transfer to a different  Centre will receive a “Transition Between Early learning and Childcare Providers” Report.


Below are blank copies of these reports for your information.

If you have any questions or queries at all, please speak to a member of staff or contact us on


Telephone; (01560) 600403 Email:


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ECC – fun outdoors

The children were exploring with filling and emptying, they problem solved how to fill the tuff tray with water then transported the water back to the top to pour down and catch again.
They were experimenting with measure by using the numbers inside the buckets to see how much water they had collected.

2 of the children created their own Sea-Saw using a plank of wood and a log.

Survey Information

The Scottish Government has commissioned an independent researcher called Progressive Partnership to undertake a survey of parents following the increase in funded ELC entitlement to 1,140 hours in August 2021. This survey will inform future government policy direction in terms of funded ELC. The Survey will explore views from parents and carers of children aged under 6 who have not yet started school.

The researcher is interested in hearing from parents whose children are in a wide variety of ELC settings, including school nurseries, playgroups, private/third sector nurseries, family centres and childminders and is also keen to hear the views of parents whose children are not in funded ELC.

The link to the survey is noted below and we have been asked to promote this across ELC settings and with childminders.All data will be strictly confidential and anonymised.

The closing date for this survey is Sunday 29th May 2022.Please click here to take part, or copy the link below into your browser. findings from this research will be made widely available at the end of the research project.If you wish further information or have any questions about this research, please contact at The Scottish Government or at Progressive Partnership.

ECC – Measuring

Some of the children were exploring with measure during Group Time today. They were using words to describe size such as ginormous, huge, really big, tiny ,little and teeny. They then measured each other to find out who was the taller. Skye and Nola discovered that they were the same size.

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