Ayrbank had a fantastic afternoon at the Games Hall for their Reward Party. Bouncy castles, football, snacks and even snowball fights!
Christmas Parties Reminder
All the parties will take place in the afternoon.
If your child is going home at lunchtime to get changed, please let the school know. Pupils that bring clothes to change into, will be given help at lunchtime to get changed.
Monday 19th December – P3/P4/P5
Tuesday 20th December – P6 and P7
Wednesday 21st December – P1 and P2
P7 & Parent Council fundraising
Wednesday & Thursday evening at the show, the P7’s will be fundraising for their leavers hoodies, by selling guesses for a sweetie jar at 50p a shot.
The Parent Council will also be selling Reindeer Food and Hot Chocolate cones.
Please note that these are cash only. Thank you
Thank you from Poppy Scotland
Thank you to all that made a donation to
The Scottish Poppy Appeal 2022.
December Dates for your Diary
Please click on the link below for details about buying raffle tickets, tickets for our Christmas Show on 14th and 15th December, class party dates, House Reward party date and our Christmas Service …
A busy couple of weeks ahead!!
Catrine PS Winter Show – ticket details
The children of P4 – P7 will be performing in the School Panto this year called “Panto Pandemonium” on Wednesday 14th and Thursday 15th December. Show starts at 6.30pm.
The children in P1-P3 will be performing their “Christmas Cracker” at the break. It will feature a selection of festive songs and jokes.
The tickets are available now to buy on ParentPay, allocation is 2 tickets per family per night at a cost of £2.00 per ticket. Children under 2 are welcome free of charge, but must sit on an adult’s knee.
Our pupils look forward to entertaining you all!
Christmas Jumper Day
Catrine Primary School Raffle
Make Catrine Sparkle – community singalong
All pupils have been learning some Christmas songs to sing at the Make Catrine Sparkle event on Sunday 4th December.
After the main lantern parade, all Catrine PS pupils, friends and family are invited to meet in the Square at 6.15pm to have a Community Christmas Singalong – guaranteed to get you feeling festive!
We hope you can join us.
Be bright be seen competition winners
Well done to the winners of our design a bright hoodie competition.
By Caleb &Connor
Oh what a night!! A huge thank you to the parent council for organising our school disco. DJ Billy had us dancing all night.
A big thank you too to The Cotton Trail who donated all the sweets, crisps and juice for our tuck shop.
Packed Lunch orders for Thursday 24th November
Please click on the link for booking a packed lunch if required for Thursday 24th November. Please book by 8.00pm this evening. Meals can be collected between 11am and 1pm, from the main school entrance door.
Christmas Jumper & Party Wear Drop off
Do you have any unused or outgrown Christmas jumpers and party wear?
Why not drop if off at the School or ECC before 30th November?
Be bright be seen day – Friday 25th November
Next Friday is be bright be seen day . With the dark mornings and dark nights we need to remember cars can’t always see us when we cross the road.
Next Friday pupils can come to school wearing bright clothes or with something bright in their hair, on their jacket or on their bag. Or pupils can just dress down.
The junior road safety officers will organise some activities for everyone.
by Connor &Caleb
Catrine Primary school street
Our junior road safety officers would like to remind everyone that Catrine primary school is proud to be a school street.We are disappointed at how many cars go past every day . Please remember no cars are allowed to pass the planters between 8.45am and 9.30am and between 2.30 pm and 3.20 pm.
Please help us keep everyone safe on our roads.
Thank you
by Caleb and Connor
Film Stars at Catrine ECC
On Tuesday 15th November Alana and Lesleyanne had the privilege of attending the CYPIC conference in Glasgow SEC where a video clip was presented showcasing Catrine ECC and our fabulously famous children 🙂
Scottish Government asked the ECC to discuss some of the changes they have made so far whilst on their journey to becoming a Communication Friendly Environment with the collection of data and quality improvement methods in mind.
Below you can find the link to the video clip where you might see some familiar faces (Riccarton ECC appear first in the clip with Catrine following on a few minutes later)
Literacy Open Morning
Thanks to everyone who came along to our Literacy Open Morning yesterday to work alongside our pupils during their Literacy learning. We hoped you enjoyed looking through our resources, playing interactive games on the smartboards and iPads, taking part in group activities and joining in with group learning tasks.
As always, our pupils and staff loved welcoming family and friends into the school and we look forward to having you all back in again soon!
Welcome to Team Catrine
We are very pleased to introduce our new permanent Senior Clerical Assistant at Catrine PS – Mrs Deborah Robertson.
Lots of our pupils and families already know Mrs Robertson as she has worked in our ECC office for the last five years, and we’re delighted that she’s now going to be part of our Catrine PS Team.
Parent Council School Disco
The Parent Council School Disco will be on Wednesday 23rd November, 6pm-8pm.
Please come along and support this event