Golden Ticket – 12.05.23
Congratulations to our Golden Ticket winners this week.
RagBag Collection – Friday 12th May
A Rag Bag collection has been organised for Friday 12 May.
We can only accept bags on Friday 12th May before 9.00am.
They do not provide bags anymore, so please bring your items along in black bin bags. Thank you
Safer School Scotland APP
Just a wee reminder that we are now using the new School APP.
A Parentpay email was sent out on 29 March, with information on how to download and a code to register for this.
If you have any problems accessing this information, please contact the school. Thank you
Walk to School Week 15th-19th May
Walk to School Week will take place from Monday 15th May til Friday 19th May.
Pupils are encouraged to walk to school every day and the Junior Road Safety Officers have decided the themes for each day.
Monday – odd sock day
Tuesday – walk with a teddy
Wednesday – back to front day
Thursday – messy hair day
Friday – dress down day
Our JRSOs would like to remind everyone that Catrine Primary is a Street School and cars are restricted on the roads around the school at dropping off and collection times. Thank you for helping us to keep our pupils safe as they walk to school.
Caleb and Connor in P6
Catrine Values – T
Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look. We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.
Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the T standing for Teamwork.
Please click on the link below and complete the form. Thank you
Congratulations Lexie
Lexie who recently took part in the Ayrshire Primary School Badminton Championship at St Josephs,
did an amazing job on winning the event,
and also winning the Beat The Pro competition.
A great achievement, well done Lexie
P7 – Robert Burns Academy News
P7 parents/carers please read information from Robert Burns Academy.
Dear parent / carer
As we are now well into the final term of the year, I thought I would send an update with some of the key dates for P7s over the next few months.
Key Dates
Wednesday 24th May- P7 Information Evening at RBA 6.30pm
Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th June- P7 Induction days at RBA
Throughout this term we will continue to liaise with our colleagues in the primary schools to make plans for our new S1s. In addition to this, our staff have also prepared a series of lessons designed to introduce our S1 curriculum to your child. These lessons will be issued to each primary school in the hope that it will give P7s a sample of what to expect during their first few weeks in S1.
I am now at a stage where I will begin to create our new S1 classes for next year. To allow me to do this I would appreciate it if you could return the medical / sibling information form that has been issued to you by your child’s primary school.
I would strongly urge you to attend our P7 Information Evening at The Robert Burns Academy on Wednesday 24th May. This evening will provide you with an opportunity to meet some of our key staff and see inside the school. In preparation for this evening, I would also like to gather your views on what you most like to hear about on the evening. The Glow form below will take only a few minutes to complete and will provide me with the feedback required to tailor this evening to your needs. Please complete this by Wednesday 10th May if it is your intention to attend the information evening.
Once I have collated the response to this form, I will issue a letter with further details regarding the arrangements for the Information Evening
Best wishes
P McGurn DHT
The Robert Burns Academy
Paul McGurn
Depute Head Teacher
The Robert Burns Academy
Golden Ticket – 04.05.23
Congratulations to the Golden Ticket winners this week.
Our second group of nursery children came a visit to the school today.
Again, Primary 6 buddies were great role models as they safely walked their buddies from the ECC to the school.
Catrine Clean Up
AYRBANK Litter Picking Group and Catrine Community Group have a litter pick planned for Wednesday 17th May. Information below if family or friends wish to join them.
Girls Football at Catrine Games Hall
Girls Football for P4,5,6,7 @ Catrine Games Hall.
Click on the link below to register.
Our P6 buddies were very responsible yesterday in making sure our first group of ECC children made it safely to the school for their first visit into their new P1 class.
We were very proud of the way they spoke to their buddies and reminded them of how to cross the roads safely.
Make sure you look on the P1 blog on Friday to see more photos of how our new P1’s got on in their class.
Netball & Basketball at Barony Campus
Netball and basketball sessions return! CJCE will be providing weekly netball and basketball sessions at the Barony Sports Village! Please follow the relevant link below to register; all information can be found on the poster.
Coronation Celebration Day
On Friday 5th May, Catrine Primary School will be holding a Street Party Lunch in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III and the Queen Consort Camilla.
Pupils can come to school either dressed down or dressed up for the occasion.
Catrine Values – A
Our Rights Respecting School Committee Group are updating our School and ECC Values and have created a new look. We are consulting our pupils and staff on each Value over the next few weeks, and we think it’s very important that parents, families and friends give their input too.
Our new Values spell out CATRINE, with the A standing for Achievement.
Please click on the link below and complete the form. Thank you
Golden Ticket – 28 April 2023
Congratulations to the Golden Ticket winners this week
Entitled – Free School Meals & Clothing Grant Information
New Library Books
The library committee are absolutely delighted with the new books we were able to purchase following a very generous donation from the Parent Council. Mrs Govans also very kindly allocated us some money from the Pupil Equity fund which allowed us to purchase even more books. We would like to say a huge thank you to both the Parent Council and Mrs Govans. Just look at all the fabulous books we were able to buy!
Entitled – Financial Inclusion Team
Wondering how to get help with Benefits, Clothing Grant, School Meals and many more everyday concerns? Click on the link below for how to get in touch with a member of the Financial Inclusion Team.