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The Inclusion Committee

The Inclusion Committee held their last meeting on Wednesday afternoon.  We watched a PowerPoint about ‘Everyone is special, everyone is different’ and we talked about our similarities and our differences, and the fact that everyone is allowed to like what they want.

We then split into pairs and completed a Venn Diagram about activities, having a conversation with our partner about things they like doing, things that we both like doing and things that none of us like doing!  We had to cut out and stick in lots of activities and we had great blethers while completing this task.

The Inclusion Committee has made posters for around the school to remind everyone that we are all important and that we all matter.

Check out our photos – Mrs Watt and I even sneaked in a cheeky wee selfie!   Mrs Govans 🙂


P1 and P6 Teddy Bear’s Picnic

The children from P1 and P6 had a wonderful afternoon down at the ECC for our Teddy Bear’s Picnic. The P6 children were such fantastic role models, playing with and looking after their buddies. They even took a book with them to enjoy when they were eating their delicious teddy shaped biscuits. The P1 children had great fun seeing the ECC ladies and telling them all about the big school. We would like to say a HUGE thank you to Shelagh and the kitchen staff for making the delicious biscuits. They went down an absolute treat!

Reading Leadership Committee

The Reading Leadership Committee met for our final time yesterday. We spent a lot of time tidying the library as we have started letting classes check out books to take home. So far Primaries 2/3, 3/4, 5/6 and 6/7 have had the opportunity to borrow a book and P1 and P4/5 will get their chance next week. The committee have been amazing at ensuring that the library is kept tidy and the books are all labelled and put in the correct areas. We also spent some time making book marks.




A huge well done to all of the members in our STEM committee for successfully promoting STEM learning across the school.

Thanks to our members, all classes have participated in STEM lessons created by the Maidsafe Foundation.

Additionally, all pupils from P2/3 upwards have entered the ‘If you were an engineer’ Leaders Award. This gave pupils the chance to think like engineers, coming up with a problem and creating a new invention for the solution. The pupils also wrote letters to explain why their invention should be built as a prototype by real engineers!

In our last committee meeting, the pupils engaged in a design challenge. We looked at the strength of eggs and what birds use to protect them. The pupils then used some of those ideas to build an egg protector which we then put to the test.

Take a look at our results!


Music Committee

As this is our last committee group meeting of the year we decided to have a chat about what we have learned…

“We learned to play the ukuleles and it was a really fun thing to learn” – Myia

“I liked the Boomwhackers because we all got to pick a song” – Layla

“I liked playing the maracas on our first committee group” –  Ayden

“I liked the Boomwhackers because they are fun to use” – Quinn

“I liked the ukuleles”  – Gracie

“It was fun playing the instruments and different tunes” –  Josh L

“I like playing different strings on the ukuleles” – Poppy

“I liked to play the triangle because I just like to hit it” – Jenna

Then we learned how to play two songs on the Glockenspiels.  ‘Mary had a little lamb’ and, for Easter, ‘Hot Cross Buns’. We then finished off with the Boomwhackers…

Walk to School Week

The JRSO Committee Group are organising a Walk to School Week on the 20th to the 24th of May.

Each day will have a different theme:

Mixed up Monday – wear odd socks.

Team up Tuesday- walk to school with a friend or family member.

Wacky Wednesday- wear your hair in a wacky way or crazy style.

Think about it Thursday- think about ways we can improve our community.

Freestyle Friday- wear your own clothes to school.

We look forward to seeing everyone taking part in Walk to School Week.

By Skye

Cumnock Juniors Easter Programme

CJCE EASTER CAMP ‼️ This year we will again be holding our 2 week football Easter camp. Camp 1 will run on Tuesday 2nd of April until Thursday 4th of April. Camp 2 will run on Tuesday 9th of April until Thursday 11th April.

HOW TO REGISTER ℹ Step 1 – Sign up the young person using the link below, filling in each question that is asked.

Step 2 – Purchase your ticket on the link below for when the young person is attending. e.g full week ticket for week 1 or 2, OR specific day tickets.

Once tickets are purchased and consent form is filled in, the participants will be added to the register for the days that they intend to go to⚽️

For any other information, please contact –

Thank You

Thank you to Cameron Tablet of Failford, who recently donated to the school £130.00 and 2 Cotton Trail Vouchers.

The whole school will benefit from this donation at the Summer School trip, and the vouchers we will raffle to help raise funds towards our Primary 7 Leavers Hoodies.

Thank you Cameron Tablet for supporting Catrine Primary School, we really appreciate your generosity.