Category Archives: Uncategorized

Please check your child’s school bag

Today your child will come home with an envelope containing the following information;

Whole school summer trip – we are pleased to inform you that we will be visiting Heads of Ayr Farm Park on Wednesday 26th June, at a cost of £10.00 per child.

The Parent Council have kindly donated £4.00 per child towards the cost of the entrance fee, and the remaining £6.00 has now been set up on ParentPay.  The school is paying for the buses for the trip.

A parent information leaflet on Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood suitable for your child’s level.

PE Reminder

Our first week back and we have noticed that a number of pupils have not had any PE kit with them.

This term our PE sessions will be Gymnastics.

The PE kit for Gymnastics is shorts and inside trainers.

Please ensure that your child has the suitable requirements.

If you require help with any of these items, please contact us.

Thank you

John Muir Family Activity Day

On Wednesday 24th April we would like to invite you along to our John Muir Family day of activities.
We will start at 9.10am until 12.00pm. The activities will be outside and we ask that you wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear, as we can not guarantee dry weather. Please bring along a snack as we will have a break at 10.30am.

Please click on the link below and complete the form to allow us to  know what numbers to expect, thank you

John Muir Family Day

Support Jack Gillies

Help support Jack Gillies on his mammoth task of walking the Glasgow Kiltwalk of 23 miles from Glasgow Green to Balloch.

He has set himself a target of £3000 to purchase a defibrillator and  new educational arts and crafts supplies  for Catrine Primary School.

The link for his Just Giving page is below.

Let’s support and thank Jack for this amazing fundraising effort.

Just Giving – J Gillies


Easter Egg Decoration Competition

Our Easter Egg decoration competition has seen some ‘egg-cellent ‘ entries this year.

Well done to all our pupils that took part and made this competition very difficult to judge.

A massive well done to our year group winners;

P1 – Sheep – Savanah

P2 – Gruffalo – Matthew

P3 –  Little Chick – Miley

P4 – Ninja Turtle – Oscar

P5 – Turtle Club – Maddisen

P6 – Audrey 2 – Bette

P7 – Eminegg – Georgia

End of Term 3

Our Parents Night last night was a brilliant way to round off Term 3.  We had an amazing turnout of 98%!!  It’s always great to be able to update you on how your child is progressing in school and also to have a chance for a wee blether.

Thank you all for coming along to look through your child’s work and have a catch-up with their teacher.

Remember we close at 2.30pm today, and I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy Easter holiday.  Take care.  Mrs Govans 🙂

Easter Service 2024

Thank you to the parents/carers that came along to our Easter service this morning, we hope you enjoyed the singing and stories as much as we did.

A massive well done to all our speakers and to Rev Clipston for coming along and joining us.

Remember we close at 2.30pm on Thursday 28th March for our Easter Holidays, and reopen on Monday 15th April.

Have a lovely Easter break